Hi Jarvi. Test the gravity with a hydrometer. No change in gravity reading over a few days, and it's done. It's the only sure fire method. Got a kit on the go right now, started 2 weeks ago at 1.060, checked after 1 week at 1.020, tested this weekend at 1.013. Paying no attention to the airlock. Longest I left in primary fermenter was 9 weeks I think. But don't worry, I was just being lazy, it was finished well before that. And there are plenty of beers that I probably kegged or bottled before the fermentation had fully completed. No worries at all with kegs with a pressure release valve. And with bottles, so long as you open at least 1 bottle from the batch every couple of weeks, giving you some insight into the carbonation level, there is not much to worry about either. Lets just say, I always have a very good insight as to the carbonation levels of my bottles.
Your first ever brew won't be the worlds best, but it will be unique and yours. Enjoy!