Beer clearness.

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Active Member
Jan 20, 2013
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Hi, I've got a beer clarity problem. My beer clears beautifully after keeping it for two months in plastic 2l bottles, looks lovely.

BUT, whenever I open the bottles the escaping gas always stirs up the sediment at the bottom, which doesn't clear. Is there any cure for this? The beer is perfectly drinkable but it doesn't look so hot.

Cheers, Brendon
One simple way to overcome this problem is to put the bottles in the fridge before opening, this might overcome this initial problem. but the underling problem is that you may be bottling too soon.

When the fermentation has finished (by observation - watching the airlock) check the SG over next 2/3 days and if it doesn't move (lets say it stays at 1006 for 3 days) then you can consider that be beer has stopped fermenting. It is now ready to bottle/keg etc...
Captain_birdseye said:
Hi, I've got a beer clarity problem. My beer clears beautifully after keeping it for two months in plastic 2l bottles, looks lovely.

BUT, whenever I open the bottles the escaping gas always stirs up the sediment at the bottom, which doesn't clear. Is there any cure for this? The beer is perfectly drinkable but it doesn't look so hot.

Cheers, Brendon
What yeast are you using? Nottingham is a good yeast to bottle with...
Is the beer fizzy? if yes it could be over carbonation..... to much sugar when bottling or maybe bottling to early.. :hmm:


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