BrewDog Atlantic IPA Ale (sic - it's what it says on the bottle so there you go)
I haven't got a degree in BS and I'm not known for my nose so this is the best poncey review I can give you.
Just looking at the bottle is a pleasure. Reminiscent of masterful
scrimshaw the
design tells the tale of this beer's atlantic origins and titillates with the notion of buried treasure and stuff. With a little trepidation then I opened the £10 (plus p+p) bottle and was greeted with a pleasant hiss. The beer is well carbonated and a head forms easily with a fairly tight bead and light tan colour (it looks a bit more white in the photo). The beer appears a little cloudy (although if you let it settle after delivery and pour with due care and attention I think it ought to clear) and chestnut brown in colour. Head retention is very good.
Aroma is spicy, maybe cinammon and raisin rather than the fruity flowery notes I'm used to hops giving. Also almost smokey notes from somewhere.
My nose isn't good, let's taste the bugger! Malty initially with a very oily feel, it's quickly tempered by a substantial (to my mind) co2 tongue prickling with what tastes like a salty and slightly sour run, followed by hot and spicy alcohol chasing down your throat. Aftertaste is loooooong and after a few tastes you start to notice other characteristics, oak, caramel, i dunno, other stuff i guess. Getting further to the bottom and, the balance of the brew is evident, enough bitterness that you can still feel it in the mouth for a while but not a load of overpowering late additions distorting the malt.
Overall I think I always wanted to like this beer so its total lack of quaffability, its seemingly extortionate price, its unknown abv (it's not on the bottle and I can't find reference to it on the web, suffice to say strong, I've been writing this review for 40 minutes whilst drinking it, yes all 33cl is gone now) all seem irrelevant. And, to be honest, they are. This is a unique beer with more flavour in one glass than a wagonful of almost anything else I've ever had. It's like no other beer you can buy today and it's going to be damned hard to keep from drinking the other two bottles I've got.