BasicBrewing SMASH Challenge - New Albion Ale

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Active Member
Jan 17, 2013
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After watching the latest episode of basicbrewing video I decided to whip up a batch of this simple new albion ale last Saturday.

It sounded fun to brew the beer with the basicbrewing guys and then taste it with them via a future episode.

Any one else joining in? ... r_embedded

APA is not really my favourite type of beer but i did cheat and used safale s-04 yeast not US-05 lol

Would be cool to see some tasting feedback on other members efforts at this beer, especially if it tastes similar to the basicbrewing version when they come to taste on air.

Oops, forgot to attach the recipe lol

New Albion Ale (APA) - English Alt (American Pale Ale)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.042 (°P): 10.5
Final Gravity (FG): 1.011 (°P): 2.8
Alcohol (ABV): 4.13 %
Colour (SRM): 5.5 (EBC): 10.8
Bitterness (IBU): 31.3 (Average)

100% Maris Otter Malt

0.9 g/L Cascade (6% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Cascade (6% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Cascade (6% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 64°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20°C with Safale S-04

Notes: heat 2.8 l of water 74C
907grams 2-row
1 hour mash rest 64oC
heat 3.8l 77oC water
Sparge with 3.8l
boil & hops 60, 30, 25
2 grams safale US-05

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
That was going to be my next recipe anyway! though i was going to throw a touch of crystal in. Don't know when i'll get round to doing it though.
Maris Otter and Crystal are the basis for most ales so it is always useful to try it as it comes so to speak. Lets you appreciate the flavour gained from hops then you can start to consider the impact on different malts and styles etc

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