There are around 100,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy alone. Even if life was rare there would still be an awful lot out there. Also some would have been developing for billions of years longer than life on Earth so if it existed it would have reached out and we would be able to detect some signals of it's existence. This is as close as you can get to proof that we are alone. The only planet with any life.
Prof. Brian Cox said something similar, so it must be true!
That may be true, BUT this is where the maths comes in.
Earth has had life for 4billion years and has had 5 major extinction events that could have ended everything in the last 450million years since truly complex life existed.
So essentially 1 every 100m years.
Our galaxy is 13billion years old and has had 3rd generation stars for it to have the heavy elements needed for planets and complex geology and ultimately life. So approximately 6bill years.
So of all the 3rd gen stars out there that have planets around them, each planet could have been exposed to 50 extinction events in its history.
So depending on when life started on the planet, it could have been wiped out billions of years ago leaving a dead rock.
So what percentage of stars in our galaxy are 3rd gen?
What percentage of those have planets in the habitable zone?
What percentage of those have the propensity to propogate life?
What percentage of those created complex life at some point in the past 4bill years and survived a regular extinction event every 100mill years?
When you add up the odds, it becomes extremely unlikely there is complex intelligent life existing in our galaxy at the same time as us.
Sad but true