August 24, British pales, bitters and milds

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Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
I know we haven't had July's yet (not complaining) but get ready for the August competition.

I haven't had a mild for years (brewed one back in 2017 I think) so it would be good to get one of those.

Judging early September.

PM me for address etc.
First entry has arrived, from @RichardM :-


Must say I'm looking forward to judging this competition. I'm thinking of not strictly following BJCP guidelines and (apart from technicalities) go with what looks, smells and tastes nice. Which should result in the same thing.
The scores (well opinions as I didn't assign numbers) are in. And to continue the rule breaking trend I'm going to give places for all three bottles even though there was only two participants as it wouldn't have blocked anyone else from scoring. The positions are :-

1st place to @RichardM with his Wadworths JCB clone

2nd place to @pilgrimhudd with the Earnest and Bramling cross pale ale

3rd place goes to @pilgrimhudd with the Aurora pale

Thanks for entering. I enjoyed the judging, doing it without numbers made it simultaneously harder and easier.

I'll send out comments to the entrants shortly.

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