anyone brewed a Festival Father Hooks?

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2013
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Not seen any reviews of this so wondering how its rated.

I like the sound of the 'big malty body' but lack of reviews is making me wary and wondering if i should just go for a Wherry / St Peters red / festival landlord as they get lots of positive reviews and never tries these either.

Nope, but I did the porter and it was excellent. The other festival kits, like you say, get rave reviews too.

I say go for it and write your own review! :thumb:
Hi all
My brother brewed this one and keged 4/5 gls with the rest bottled it turned out a first class brew it did not last long but there are 8 bottles left for Christmas ? Will be brewing it again as kegs become empty :cheers:
Ive just bottled my first brew which is the Father Hooks recommended by my local brew shop. Ive done everything to the instructions apart from the fact i left it in the fv 3 weeks rather than the 10 days stated in the instructions. The SG hadnt dropped enough so left until it had. Its early days for me but ive drank the trial test jar a few times :oops: and it does taste quite good. Obviously its flat atm but the flavours are there and a lovely (not too strong) hoppy after taste. I am so impressed with my first attempt at home brewing that ive started a second. Unfortunately the woodfords admirals reserve hasnt started fermenting though after 5 or 6 hrs. :cry:

So yea, the father hooks gets a thumbs up from me even though mine isnt ready to drink yet.
My bottles have been in the warmth for 3 weeks and conditioning in the garage, and its a gorgeous pint. A lot sweeter than I expected, lots of caramel and so so smooth. The carbonation isnt massive but im happy woth that, it helps make it smoother. I usually like my ales with a little bit of fizz but this is superb. My second favouritw behind a 6 month old wherry. We'lL see how good the father hooks is after 6 months.
I got this to do next and is it right I dont need to add the usual 1kg brewing sugar? just use what is in the kit malt, hops and yeast?