More brew day musings, since this is a fairly simple base beer with just a single bittering hip addition (Magnum). I’m aware that my boil isn’t particularly vigorous.
And the sides of the kettle are not insulated like the brewzilla. So I’ve ordered an 8mm thick sheet of neoprene foam to make an insulating jacket for it. Should be a fun project anyway -I’m thinking of using a roll of spare wallpaper to make a template with all the holes for the handles, spouts and sticky out bits. Then sew on some Velcro for the overlap. If I was being good I’d bind the edges but my sewing machine skills might not be up to that!

And the sides of the kettle are not insulated like the brewzilla. So I’ve ordered an 8mm thick sheet of neoprene foam to make an insulating jacket for it. Should be a fun project anyway -I’m thinking of using a roll of spare wallpaper to make a template with all the holes for the handles, spouts and sticky out bits. Then sew on some Velcro for the overlap. If I was being good I’d bind the edges but my sewing machine skills might not be up to that!