Today has been rather busy and I've a clinical session this evening too so not likely to write the brewday up properly, so this is going to be the short version.
....the morning after the one with the yeast starter at midnight...
Wort looked lovely and clear, brought up to 75 deg for a brief mashout and sparged with a bit extra to bring the volume up to target, then added another litre for sparge for good measure as my boil off volumes have been higher than expected recently... which will be why my volume at the end of the boil was almost a litre too much. Thankfully no bittering hops so just let it boil another 20min to hit my target volume.
Cooled to 76 deg, added the aroma hop stand and left to cool passively, while I made an awful mess trying to fill bottles with sparkling wine. As you may have read my multitasking efforts didn't quite work out.
Prior to adding the litre of starter my volumes were spot onand my OG just a wee bit off at 1.69 (hoped for 1.73). Given that it had oodles of time mashing and an extra bit of a sparge, it's difficult to see how I'd have got to 1.73!
Pitched in the whole starter, and less than 24 hours later those yeasties are super happy in their new home. The starter was made from the overbuild of the first go at this beer about 7 weeks ago which had been stored in water in the fridge, then only 13 hours on the stir plate. Given how this has taken off like a rocket, I'd be happy to a short starter in future too.
(oh this was supposed to be short ... anyway, really pleased that my yeast is happy)
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The guys from the Experimental Brewing podcast began to advocate the shorter starters some time ago. The idea being that at homebrew level, underpitching isn't a big problem provided the yeast are healthy and active at pitch.