An interesting article on the BBC website

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I've had some crap 'real ale' and some quite nice 'commercial' beer, so how it's brewed or who it's labelled as being produced doesn't seem to be that relevant. A bad landlord can kill anything! As for camra and the craft brewers I feel a loosening of definitions might help all concerned!
united we stand, divided we fall! Don't give Inbev a chance to produce a 'craft real ale'!!!
wezil said:
Don't give Inbev a chance to produce a 'craft real ale'!!!

Hence why Camra are probably opposed to real ale being served from a pressurised keg, Inbev and the likes would find it hard to produce real ale in casks for mass distribution, in fact smoothflow beers could be seen as the large pop factories attempts at producing 'real ale' or something which could be passed of as to the less than discerning customer. :lol: :lol:

:thumb: :thumb:
I'd be delighted if InBev and their ilk brewed real ale as it would stop them pushing their ***** on us. But they haven't a clue how to. Boddington's AFAIK is now only available as smoothflow but used to be a real ale. Theakston's was owned by Scottish and Newcastle for a while, but they clearly didn't understand real ale either and had to sell it back to the family.
rpt said:
Boddington's AFAIK is now only available as smoothflow but used to be a real ale.

Draught was still brewed at Hydes up until last year but alas no longer. :evil:
I'd be delighted if InBev and their ilk brewed real ale as it would stop them pushing their ***** on us
:rofl: I have a funny feeling the Fashion for 'craft' beer will attract some bandwagon jumping, especially as they will be able to charge more! Bottled water anyone? bog standard water in a bottle=cheap, Water from some exotic sounding place(especially if in a glass bottle) = 2nd morgate! Both water! What is niche now can soon become mainstream and push the quality and price down! :(
wezil said:
I'd be delighted if InBev and their ilk brewed real ale as it would stop them pushing their ***** on us
:rofl: I have a funny feeling the Fashion for 'craft' beer will attract some bandwagon jumping, especially as they will be able to charge more! Bottled water anyone? bog standard water in a bottle=cheap, Water from some exotic sounding place(especially if in a glass bottle) = 2nd morgate! Both water! What is niche now can soon become mainstream and push the quality and price down! :(

Already happening - see Blue Moon beer.

Also stop pretending you were crafted by a guy in a shed

etc etc :)
Hi, good article on that link, But it sadly proves the point, Im of to cry into my carefully 'crafted' homemade barley wine! :lol:
wezil said:
I'd be delighted if InBev and their ilk brewed real ale as it would stop them pushing their ***** on us
:rofl: I have a funny feeling the Fashion for 'craft' beer will attract some bandwagon jumping, especially as they will be able to charge more! Bottled water anyone? bog standard water in a bottle=cheap, Water from some exotic sounding place(especially if in a glass bottle) = 2nd morgate! Both water! What is niche now can soon become mainstream and push the quality and price down! :(

Yes Inbev would still push ***** on us just different *****, branded under a craft banner. But ultimately the accountants and the plant used would ultimately determine what variety of ***** would be produced. :lol: :lol:
A lot of people feel that InBev etc. are just shooting themselves in the foot with all of these crafty beers. These beers are like gateway beers which help people transition from swill to something with flavor. After enjoying something like Blue Moon, someone might be more inclined to try something from a real craft brewer. After that, they may never go back to mass produced beers again.
pittsy said:
snobs come to mind , i don't give a rats about how , who , why as long as it's great beer in my glass that's all that matters to me .

As Catholics and Protestants have proved down the years, two groups that believe in nearly-the-same-thing-but-not-quite is a recipe for untold animosity :)
Craft beer and home brewing are massive over here. I have about 4 home brew shops within 15 minutes of where I work. They all seem to stay in business and do well. There are also a large number of home brewing forums and many smaller more niche versions. It's a good time to be a brewer!
It doesn't matter because as homebrewers we can brew what we want and serve it how we like, if I have to be honest I side with the American style craft beers, Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams etc and the UK American inspired ones too if punk IPA is one !
1kg DME with 20g cascade, boil for a couple of mins, a tin of coopers IPA, US-05, dry hop with cascade, bottle condition, and you have a half decent American style IPA.