American pale recipe suggestions

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Feb 18, 2016
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Thinking about brewing something hoppy but with a slight grainy taste and around 4% this weekend.

4kg pale
200g vienna
200g dark crystal 245ebc
200g porridge oats

10g columbus 90 mins
25g cascade/citra/chinook 15mins
25g cascade/citra/chinook flame out
50g cascade/citra/chinook dry hop

Ferment with us05

Anyone any other suggestions

Tia sean
What bitterness will you get from the 15 minute additions? I'd be tempted to add them later. Not sure what the vienna will add with the crystal being there? What colour will you get with the crystal?
Your looking at around 35 ibu from the 15 min ones
I was hoping for a slight bready taste from the vienna

Your looking at 17-18 ebc from the beer
A lot of recipes i have seen use something like

87% base malt
10% wheat
3% crystal

Would depend on what colour and how dry you want your beer. I like mine dry and pale so i use pilsner malt and often no crystal or wheat. You might want to try hop bursting sometime, Its where they use 15.5 and 0 minute additions instead of the normal 60,15,0.
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Could you explain how to work it out? :)

The stronger the beer the more IBUs you need to balance it & give the same 'apparent bitterness'
The relationship between the OG & IBUs can be expressed as a ratio, by dividing the IBUs by the OG (using just the relevant digits for the OG)
So 1.040 OG with 40 IBUs - 40 divided by 40 = 1.0
and 1.040 OG with 20 IBUs - 20 divided by 40 = 0.5

So the higher the ratio the higher the apparent bitterness & in theory if you doubled the OG of a recipe you'd need to double the IBUs to give the same apparent bitterness

The charts in the link show the usual range of the ratio for the different styles of beer.
My APA has a standard grain bill of 60% pale malt 40% Vienna (I sometimes mix it up with some light Munich) .

200g of Vienna in a 4.6kg gain bill isn’t going to be detectable.
I brewed my first pale ale a few weeks ago. I used a Papazian extract recipe and tweaked it to get rid of my leftover hops. Turned out well. Needed 3 weeks in the bottle to properly mature.

3kg liquid malt extract - light
28g Summit - 60 min
21g Citra - 10 min
7g Summit - 10 min
14g Chinook - flame out
Safale 04 yeast
ABV 4.3%
Quick amendment brought ibus down to 47

4kg pale
300g vienna
200g dark crystal 245ebc
200g porridge oats

10g columbus 90 mins
10g cascade/citra/chinook 15mins
15g cascade/citra/chinook flame out
25g cascade/citra/chinook dry hop
Quick amendment brought ibus down to 47

4kg pale
300g vienna
200g dark crystal 245ebc
200g porridge oats

10g columbus 90 mins
10g cascade/citra/chinook 15mins
15g cascade/citra/chinook flame out
25g cascade/citra/chinook dry hop

Although dry hops do add some perceived bitterness I think you could stick with the original 50g of each for a decent hoppy hit.
The stronger the beer the more IBUs you need to balance it & give the same 'apparent bitterness'
The relationship between the OG & IBUs can be expressed as a ratio, by dividing the IBUs by the OG (using just the relevant digits for the OG)
So 1.040 OG with 40 IBUs - 40 divided by 40 = 1.0
and 1.040 OG with 20 IBUs - 20 divided by 40 = 0.5

So the higher the ratio the higher the apparent bitterness & in theory if you doubled the OG of a recipe you'd need to double the IBUs to give the same apparent bitterness

The charts in the link show the usual range of the ratio for the different styles of beer.
Didin't know that. Every days is a school day in brewing.
Quick amendment brought ibus down to 47

4kg pale
300g vienna
200g dark crystal 245ebc
200g porridge oats

10g columbus 90 mins
10g cascade/citra/chinook 15mins
15g cascade/citra/chinook flame out
25g cascade/citra/chinook dry hop
I still think the Vienna will be lost in there. It’s a base malt so using it in the same way as Crystal and adjuncts won’t have the same effect.

I’d either up it to at least 25% of the grain bill (mainly taking out the pale) or take it out completely.