Alternative to heating belts and mats

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Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Camborne, Cornwall
As I am trying to save the pennies at the moment I am wondering if this would work.

This week I am looking to buy a heating mat or belt for my fermenter. These things are not cheap so I was wondering if I could buy one of those mats that are used in vivariums. The only problem that I can think of is the temperature these things throw out. Maybe if they are too hot could the heat be diffused by laying a very thin layer of balsa wood on top of the mat.

Have you ladies or gents any experience in using these, and if so are they any good.


If you are looking to purchase a cost effective heating solution something like THIS which is thermostatically controlled is probably the best option :thumb:

Thanks for the comments guys. Looking at a few at the moment on ebay. What is the one that you use James. Is it thermostatically controlled.

Thanks Neil
I use a pet heater (i think they are for pregnant dogs) it is a blanket which raps around the fv spot on it is all waterproofed (as i suppose some dawgs have accidents) It is ideal for a warm up and costs less than a penny a day to run. If you want to get one let me know and i will send you the link or i am sure most pet shops could get you one.
All the best and happy brewing :drink:
Thanks for that Shaun, The link would be appreciated. I have had a look around on ebay but I would rather go for a product that has been tried and tested by a fellow brewer like yourself.

Cheers Neil :thumb:
My heater does have a thermostat. It's not accurate but with a bit of initial fiddling you can get it to what you want - 19 deg in my case. I prefer fermenting cool. The ones I have say it can do 18-28 degC.

EDIT: I just got a random 75w one from the place down the road. Can't see there being much between any of them at that price.

Thanks for that. I was only thinking earlier what an excellent forum this is. Other forums that I have used have tended to be a little bit clicky, but after an introduction from Moley to this site I have found it to be the best. Looking through older posts I have found that even if you ask the most dumbest questions you will not have the p**s taken.

At the moment a friend and myself are drinking a real ale kit. This is the first beer kit that I have made in twentythree years, the last one being when I was sixteen. I have asked a few questions seeing as though I have absolutely no experience in beermaking and have found that forum members reply within a few minutes with everything that I want to know.

Instead of babbling on I would just like to say thankyou to you all for a great site and I look forward to asking more questions and hopefully answering a few when I am a little more experienced.

By the way, the ale kit that we are drinking at the moment is so bloody good, even though it has only been clear for just over a week.

Thanks everyone

Neil :clap: :clap: :clap:
I use a plant heating cable wound into a coil and controlled by an external aquarium thermostat.
Just simply sit the fermentation vessel on it and dip the probe into the wort.
I've modified my fermenter so as I can insert the probe without comming into contact with the wort.
how do you clean and stellerise a aquarium heater,and do you just use inside the FV?
mado21 said:
how do you clean and stellerise a aquarium heater,and do you just use inside the FV?
you clean and sanitise the same way as your other brewing equipment.
Use either a soak in a strong soda crystal solution, a good rinse and then a soak in a bleach solution followed by a good rinse in clean water, or a soak in a solution of VWP or similar and then a good rinse.
Yes use it inside your FV :)
I don't use an aquarium heater, I use an external thermostat that would normally control an aquarium heater.
My FV is modified with a tank connector fitted with about 30mm of tube and a blank.
The thermostat sensor fits into the connector from the outside and does not come into contact with the wort.
After looking at all the different options for keeping my brew warm I went for the cheapest one.

I took a quick drive down the road to Argos and bought a single electric blanket for £14.99 ( on special offer at £12.99 at the moment). These are just the right size for covering top to bottom and wrap around a whole five gallon fermenting bin. Held together with a couple of those bungee ropes these blankets are excellent.

Advantages I have found are

They have three heat settings( have worked out number one keeps your brew at 26 degrees)
The blankets are fully machine washable
You can leave them on 24 / 7 ( includes overheat safety cut out)

Cheers Neil