As a young Sqaddie in Germany in the 80s I drank gallons of Tennents (in cans with the fit birds on the side) alongside cheap shots of whatever (20p for a double). Grolsh was a change but it really screwed me over. In Holland we used to sup a mix of dark beer and lager known locally as Schuss. It was ok and did the job - there was also a blackcurrant gin which did terrible things to you.
The universal Army currency was the yellow cardboard containers of Herforder Pils - "Herfy Handbags". Each cock-up would result in a Herfy fine which would pile up in the Troop Office. 11am on Friday was CO's PT parade, followed by cleaning up the tank bays then into the crew rest area with the beer. The Senior NCOs drank Becks and the rest of us got hammered on the Herfy. It gave me the trots something rotten. Last year I was in Germany again and had a bottle of Herforder Pils - it was revolting, just like in the old days. What on earth possessed us to drink such rubbish when there was plenty of fine German ale to be had I can't imagine (other than it was cheaper than bottled water in the Naafi.