AG#5 A complete kin TaRd

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That should leave you with ~25.5L at 1.053 at the end of the boil in the boiler, then it's just what volume you loose to the boiler and hops.
strewth this one is jinxed . just spent an hour letting my boiler heat up to find that only one element was working. no wonder its taken so long to boil. Sorted now. ( Dont worry Vossy it was the old boiler, the shiney one is magnificent)
with my trials with 4 yeasts, muntons gold, brupaks ale, nottingham, and s04... IIRC muntons gold came first, with S04 second. nottingham was good head wise, but all you could taste was the ingredients. the nottingham didn't impart any flavours, and made me and my testing buddies think it came third on the taste test.

up to you though!
There we go 22 L at 1.052. Lovely.
Black gold.

The Trub is well over an inch deep and thick as hell. I boiled this a lot harder than normal and It chilled uber fast so I think I have had great hot and cold breaks.

you seemed well excited with this one, like it was your first brewday all over again :lol:

was fun to read about and fun to help you with mate :thumb:
Yes it was like the first time again. but each one is soooooo different you cant help but get caught up in it. Its where chemistry meets art.

Thanks for all the help , its what makes this forum GR8
no worries mate :thumb: i just hope you like it!

Ni9e will be tasting his Genius with Northdown tonight for the first time... i'm really looking forward to his views
I syphoned off 4L into PEt bottles and primed with 1Tbsp Sugar (2L Bottles)
And it tastes like a good stout, Might be slightly harsh at the end, but Hey its only been ready 10 minutes.
I am going to leave it and keg it next wekend and leave well alone until Christmas. First impressions are good. It feels velvetty on the mouth :thumb:
great stuff :thumb:

i'm about a third the way down my TaRd 2 already... was 3 pints in before i even racked it :oops:

this just wont reach maturation i just know it :oops: it's too morish :lol:
1010 which works out at 5.47% its flat as hell but tastes and feels lovely in the mouth. I cant wait until I get it lightly gassed.... :thumb:
So its in the kg now and the gas is doing its thing. This is definatley in the same list as Kenny
turn your PSI to 20 on your regulator, leave it connected, and shake the cornie like **** for about 5 mins. leave to sit for 30 mins, turn down the gas to conditioning pressure, and bam, you've got yourself some nicely carbed smooooooooth and creeeeeeaaaaamy taRd without having to wait for it to carbonate :D
ahhh when you said kg, did you miss spell keg or did you mean king keg? cos i wouldn't reccomend shaking a king keg around :?
Na its in a cornie. Im going to leave it for a few days as work is getting in the way at the moment.
Im just amazed at how this has turned out. The beer has a real shine and viscocity to it. I dropped some into a shery glass and held it up close to the light and it looks clear as a bell. I want to do another brew at the weekend but I have to keep working on the BioDiesle plant ( wife let me get it on the condition that I get cracked on and commision it PDQ) so the next brew will have to wait a bit.
ah thank god... i though you logged off to go shake your king keg for a sec :shock: *phew* hehe

i get a nice ruby colour when i hold mine to the light :)

i can highly recommend the tard 2... i'm actually feeling wobbly right now cos it's going down so well :D

glad to hear you're impressed mate, i'm so worried when other people try my recipes that they wont like it :oops:

i really wanna brew my rauchbier again as soon as i can get some hallertauer... but i think i'll go for hedgehog if not as iv'e got the stuff i need.. er.. i think.

Wez's mrs says "it really smacks you in the face" :lol: i really should post the recipe so others can give that a go too.
I have been slipping round teh forums looking for a recipe fro a good 60/-beer. Tonight I opened up a 2L PET of Duh which I had bottled a wek before I kegged the brew. Feck me its the loverliest pint of 60/- I ever did taste. I cant wait to get back home to my Keg and see what a month in teh Keg has done to it. Im due back around teh 22nd. Bet the Keg doesnt see new year.... :thumb:
glad you like it mate :)

the fellas at the NCBA were blown away by it too :D so i handed them the recipe... hopefully taRd will be working it's way around the country in no time :D