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Omg! 6 weeks?! I dunno about that. I dubious about letting it ferment!

So, two weeks cold and two weeks warm? What does that mean fella?

Seconded. I'm thinking of racking my current batch to secondary in a few days. Should I wait?
Omg! 6 weeks?! I dunno about that. I dubious about letting it ferment!

So, two weeks cold and two weeks warm? What does that mean fella?

He is bascally saying leave it in the fermenter for two weeks.. Once you transfer to keg/ bottle with your priming sugar you then leave it again for 2 weeks in the warm such as room temperature (i always find that works fine) this will help the priming sugar to carb up in a secondary mini fermentation.. after that 2 weeks cold or cool as it may be since summer is coming to allow oit to condition and age a bit.

I find AG can typically start to be drunk a few weeks after bottling/ kegging.. I normally crack open a bottle after 2 weeks in the bottle just to see how its going anyway..
Are there benefits to racking to a secondary? Requiring to dry hop as well.