AG#5 A complete kin TaRd

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
South Ayrshire
Today Im doing this little beauty Clicky
Its going well so far except the camera had died so its words only Im afraid.
Im trying a fly sparge today as an alternative to Batch, Im using my nice shiney 100 L boiler as a HLT and I will be sparging at 85c onto a perforated plastic sheet at a rate of 1L/Min so wish me well.
I doghed in about an hour ago and the Liquor was at 76C and as I was aiming for a mash of 66c. I was horrified to find it was down near 62. I added a few extra Litrs of 76c and its now happily sitting at 64C. The PH strip came out at 5.2 so all in all Im a happy bunny

I have made one change from the recipe and that is the hops what I thought was Northern brewer in my freezer turns out to be northdown so it will be 35 IBU of Northdown.
Great to hear that you're brewing F :thumb:

Have a great one :D
Frisp said:
Bollox this really is a tard recipe. I just realised I under weighed the flaked barley its 500gm Light. Oh well here's to a new recipe.


it's jinxed!! should be fine though mate :thumb:
Well that was my first go at Fly Sparging and I have to say what a peice of ****.
The one downside is that my worktop isnt high enough to get HLT, Mt and boiler at the right heights to cascade down through and I had to faff around with a dripping hose. I reccon I lost about half a ltr of wort befor I started using a 3 L jug to catch it coming out of the MT
I have a plastic lid from an old tub with a myriad of holes in it and I sat that on top of the grain for a diffuser when sparging. Worked a treat.
I must say when I was finnished the grain which is left looks so much cleaner, less claggy
I have managed to get 26.5L of lovely black shiney clean wort from 5.25Kg of grain. The adjusted og going into the boiler is 1049 ( it was 1040 @48C when tested) Brewsmith tells me that As im aiming for 22L to ferment I am 81.76% efficient going into the boiler.
I stopped the sparge at 1.000 @ 58C which adjusts to 1.014 when I stopped the runnings.
The wort tastes like heaven itself.

Cause this was a 2 hour mash and I have a fridge full of ale to drink Im going to take advantage of the wife being at work to put on a shameless DVD and I shall boil up the wort on the morrow. Who knows I might have time to pop out and get a battery for the camera and show you my lovely shiney wort which is blacker than the earl of hell's waistcoat....
Frisp that is fantastic mate!!!

i'm glad you got it sorted despite a slight glitch on strike temps... my bad! but i honestly only lose 10'c to the grain. did you preheat your mashtun?

i cant wait to hear your tasting notes on this one.. you're one of (if not the) first to have a crack at one of my recipes. though this one isn't entirely mine as it was adapted (and has evolved since) from the BBLTYB book
Sounds like your a fly sparge convert F ;) You'll be wanting a V arm next...

If i could get some F-ing Flaked barley i'd be having a bash at this one. But i'm not buying 25kg's of the freaking stuff to use 500g in a brew...
BrewStew said:
its 1kg in tard mate... so only 25 brews worth :lol:

Oh! I'll rush out and buy a sack then...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

seriously though, flaked barley will keep longer than grain IIRC, and you can use flaked barley in more than just stouts.
I've not used it yet. I bought 5 kg crystal nearly a year ago and i've still got about 2kg. Plus then i've got to get crushed roasted barley.
And you can rest assured that i will be :cool: :cool: :cool:
Along with getting that sack of steam rolled barley suitable for ruminants and taRd. :cool:

Won't you be a bit gutted that my superior brewing skills will produce a beer far superior to your own though? :rofl:
Just checked on my baby I think she shall be henceforth kanown as "Duh".
Took an og reading with the wort at 20C and its sat at 1.051 before the boiler which according to beersmith is a whopping 85% efficiency .
methinks she needs diluting a little.
The target atthis stage should be 33 L at 1.043 . If Im going to dilute the wort I take It now is the time to do it. before the boil
Beersmith says that 5 L of Liquor will give me 31.5 L at 1.043 , Can someone check my figures. is 1.043 a bit low pre boil, what should I be looking as a post boil SG at with a 15% loss rate at 90 mins