AG#11 No idea porter-y kind of thing...

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Sep 12, 2011
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Is on the cards for Sunday. It's Daddies' Day so Daddy gets to brew!!

I've got real Hook Norton yeast in the fridge, I've got the grain and hops and it'll be good to get a brew on, seems like it's been ages...

Who's brewing what this weekend? Any other DaddyBrews?
Water in the pot ready for the morning.

Yeast in a pint or so of weak wort (50g spraymalt in 700ml) to wake it up.

I'm quite looking forward to my first brew with proper brewery yeast... :D
It must be BIAB Fathers Brewing Day in Oxon tomorrow. :cheers:
Not sure on what to brew yet as I have a variety of ingredients left over from other brews, will study GW's book over breakfast. :wha:
Yes, I'm doing my first brew designed on beer smith with my new Shiney equipment!!!
Maybe I need to name it Father's Day brew or something similar! :cheers:
So on account of a small measuring error (not mine, BTW) I've got ten times the amount of black in the mash than I wanted.

So, a best bitter it isn't going to be!!!

I haven't done an AG porter yet so here goes!

Seeing as I've got the house to myself for a while, I'm going nuts with it.

I'm going to draw off a couple of gallons of unhopped wort before the boil.

I've chucked in another, yes ANOTHER 150g of chocolate to get that acidic roastiness that it gives.

I'm going to hop VERY hard, keep the challenger as the backbone because it's such a great base bittering hop, then I'm going fruity with the flavour and aroma - off to see what I have in a mo...

Then to balance out all the bittering, acid roastiness and fruitiness from the hops there will be vanilla pods going in the boil.

That two gallons drawn off before the boil will get boiled down to a few pints of caramelised syrup before being added back to the brew to give deep caramel undertones and a boost to the ABV... I'll likely chuck in the last of my spraymalt too for an extra bump...

Or at least that's what I hope is going to happen!

BRING IT ON! :lol:
mashing in progress!! A mate is coming round to drop something off at lunchtime so a few jars of big kenny as well!!
The second inkling that something wasn't quite right... That's a bit dark for only 70g of black malt...

Right, here's the final recipe...

Name: TBC
Style: Brown Porter

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size (fermenter): 40.00 l   
Estimated OG: 1.051 SG
Estimated Color: 67.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 48.6 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt                   Name                                     Type          #        %/IBU         
6.60 kg               Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5.5 EBC)         Grain         1        70.2 %        
1.00 kg               Crystal Malt (130.0 EBC)                 Grain         2        10.6 %        
0.75 kg               Corn, Flaked (2.6 EBC)                   Grain         3        8.0 %         
0.70 kg               Black (Patent) Malt (985.0 EBC)          Grain         4        7.4 %         
0.15 kg               Chocolate Malt (886.5 EBC)               Grain         5        1.6 %   
0.20 kg               Neales Light Dry Extract (7.0 EBC)       Dry Extract   6        2.1 %         
70.00 g               Challenger [6.50 %] - Boil 90.0 min      Hop           7        27.0 IBUs     
12.00 g               Summit [17.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min         Hop           8        6.2 IBUs      
10.00 g               Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min        Hop           9        3.9 IBUs      
12.00 g               Summit [17.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min         Hop           10       4.5 IBUs      
10.00 g               Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 10.0 min        Hop           11       2.9 IBUs      
12.00 g               Summit [17.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min          Hop           12       2.5 IBUs      
10.00 g               Chinook [13.00 %] - Boil 5.0 min         Hop           13       1.6 IBUs      
2.00 Items            Vanilla Pod (Boil 5.0 mins)              Spice         14       -           
40.00 g               Summit [17.00 %] - Dry Hop 0.0 Days      Hop           15       0.0 IBUs      

Mash Schedule: BIAB, Medium Body
Total Grain Weight: 9.40 kg
Name              Description                             Step Temperat Step Time     
Saccharification  Add 56.45 l of water at 70.1 C          66.7 C        90 min        
Mash Out          Add 0.00 l of water and heat to 75.6 C  75.6 C        10 min

7litres removed pre-boil for caramelisation and addition.

Collected 50l @ 1.046 - two points ahead at this stage...

This one needs a small nod to the beer gods! Midday too early? :lol:

6 and a half...

Caramelisation happening

A litre of syrup

Money shot
Mine turned out to be "Whatever's Left"

Finished the Maris Otter, Fuggles and Brewing sugar. No Crystal malt left so increased the Dark instead. Got 20L at 1.049 out of the BIAB pre-boil. Bag still draining ready to top up the boil. Used Perle to replace Goldings for last 10 minutes and have added some Torrefied wheat to see what it does. Currently mid boil and have already consumed my first 'in brew' pint. :drink:
Should be tipsy by lunchtime - Now that's what I call a father's day! :cheers:
RobWalker said:
christ, that's a lot of black malt :lol: hahah. good luck with it bruvva. looks like an absolute beast!

It is rather - it looks amazing TBH. Oily thick. But oddly the wort tastes, well, very mellow... Not harsh at all.

I have EVERYTHING crossed at the moment... :lol:
I was refering to your thread title :thumb:

:) yeah, it had to be changed otherwise there'd be some funny looks... :lol:
I decided to fill the time whilst my brew was cooling by starting a Sundew kit left over from the Dunelm Mills reduction stage.

Why are you condensing the last 6.5 litres?

Pakman said:
I decided to fill the time whilst my brew was cooling by starting a Sundew kit left over from the Dunelm Mills reduction stage.

Why are you condensing the last 6.5 litres?


Firstly to bump up the ABV of the brew and secondly to make caramel, hopefully it'll give a nice toffee flavour note. Should compliment the vanilla and balance the roast flavours...

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