AG#1 Bouncing Squirrel (in a bag!)

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Muddy Funker

Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
Right the mash to my first AG brew is on and the smell along with the weighed out hops is as amazing as everyone said it would be!!!
I will be adding pics after everything is done.

Question 1 - I didn't hit the correct mash temp it was 1.5 degrees low will this be a huge prob?
Question 2 - I don't have a chiller so it will be left sealed overnight in the FV then yeast pitched tomorrow morning. Apart from the risk of infection greatly increasing will this be do able?

I've only done two kits before this apart from turbo cider and other experiments with juice :geek:
Also when I got the hops the shop had no Fuggles so these were subbed for Styrian Goldings

Will be interesting to see how brew in a bag squirrels turns out :cheers:

Edit: Another question - I figured using this method plus being the first time I'd lose efficiency, I put in an extra kilo of grain to compensate is this okay? Also with regards to mashing out, what temp should I aim for with this?
Many Thanks.
The 1.5 degree temp if it was above 64 it should be ok if it was a drop of 1.5 over the 90 min mash then you have done well for a 1st mash if it was 1.5 below 64 next time just add some extra hot water to raise temp of mash.

If you have any freezer blocks put them in the kitchen sink with some cold water and stand your FV in that it will drop the temp nicely.

Squirel in a bag sound like a snack from the life of Brian. :rofl:
I've not lost a single degree over the hour and a half mash, I checked and triple checked the readings.
Boiler was wrapped in thick memory foam then had a sleeping bag over the lot. Must've done the job.
Added the Styrians and Challengers about 12mins ago. Just a waiting game again now.
Really enjoying this!
Muddy Funker said:
Right the mash to my first AG brew is on and the smell along with the weighed out hops is as amazing as everyone said it would be!!!
I will be adding pics after everything is done.

Question 1 - I didn't hit the correct mash temp it was 1.5 degrees low will this be a huge prob?
Question 2 - I don't have a chiller so it will be left sealed overnight in the FV then yeast pitched tomorrow morning. Apart from the risk of infection greatly increasing will this be do able?

I've only done two kits before this apart from turbo cider and other experiments with juice :geek:
Also when I got the hops the shop had no Fuggles so these were subbed for Styrian Goldings

Will be interesting to see how brew in a bag squirrels turns out :cheers:

Edit: Another question - I figured using this method plus being the first time I'd lose efficiency, I put in an extra kilo of grain to compensate is this okay? Also with regards to mashing out, what temp should I aim for with this?
Many Thanks.
when i did my first mash i added 10 deg c to the temp of the water to 76 deg c usually when you add the grains the mash water loses 10 degrees or so by adding temp you can compensate for the loss
mark1964 said:
Muddy Funker said:
Right the mash to my first AG brew is on and the smell along with the weighed out hops is as amazing as everyone said it would be!!!
I will be adding pics after everything is done.

Question 1 - I didn't hit the correct mash temp it was 1.5 degrees low will this be a huge prob?
Question 2 - I don't have a chiller so it will be left sealed overnight in the FV then yeast pitched tomorrow morning. Apart from the risk of infection greatly increasing will this be do able?

I've only done two kits before this apart from turbo cider and other experiments with juice :geek:
Also when I got the hops the shop had no Fuggles so these were subbed for Styrian Goldings

Will be interesting to see how brew in a bag squirrels turns out :cheers:

Edit: Another question - I figured using this method plus being the first time I'd lose efficiency, I put in an extra kilo of grain to compensate is this okay? Also with regards to mashing out, what temp should I aim for with this?
Many Thanks.
when i did my first mash i added 10 deg c to the temp of the water to 76 deg c usually when you add the grains the mash water loses 10 degrees or so by adding temp you can compensate for the loss
I wouldnt add more grains generally as it may cock up your readings and recipe later on you should have a starting original gravity as in the recipe etc
Nice one, done and dusted cleaned up and all!

Took some alright photos with the camera phone but can't seem to upload them to photobucket, will try again tomorrow.

I've managed to get 23l @ 1061 for the starting gravity that's with using the temp correction calculator, I'm really pleased with the way it turned out and can only improve with time.

I'm wondering if I should have just stuck with the 5kg that the recipe asked for rather than adding the extra one. Might be quite a potent bouncing squirrel if the figures are anything to go by.

Thanks for the replies and help. Will stir up and pitch yeast when it's cooled right down and will keep fingers crossed for no infections!!!


Edit: I took the gravity reading post boil, is that why it's high?
Some pics as promised

I probably could have taken more to show the BIAB process better, but as it was my first I was concentrating more on getting it right.

Grain Bill

Hop Additions

Diy Boiler

First Hops Go In

Second Hops Go In

Hydro Reading

Happy With That

Happy Composter

Smiling Ex Batts

And we now have lift off, it's fermenting away nicely.
Is it normal to get a huge grin just from the smell of the hops from the FV?
My other half thinks i'm mad!!!

Thanks Fella :-)

Next time round I'll do a more comprehensive write up and take more pics I just wanted to get this first one right!
AG#2 will be happening as soon as this one is bottled, decisions decisions,,,,,,,
Muddy Funker said:
....... AG#2 will be happening as soon as this one is bottled, decisions decisions,,,,,,,

and #3 close behind that :thumb: :lol: nice one MF :clap:
Cheers guys,

I know there will be no stopping me now I know the basics of the process and have the equipment.

Can't wait to get brewing again!!!!!
Congrats on your first go! It sounds like you had a good time of it!

Just wait till you taste it... I am betting it won’t be conditioning long before you have a crafty taste!

Oh and my chooks love a brew day as well!!

cutnrun said:
Congrats on your first go! It sounds like you had a good time of it!

Just wait till you taste it... I am betting it won’t be conditioning long before you have a crafty taste!

Oh and my chooks love a brew day as well!!

Thanks mate,

I know you're right, that's why I need to get another on the go as soon as this is out of the FV, give me something to take my mind of it!!
Easy Peasie said:
We'll have to swap ratings seeing as though we've both done Bouncing Squirrel as our first brew!!

Defo mate,

Such a co incidence that we chose the same brew!! Out of interest why did you go for that brew?
My reasons were that there is only 2 grains and 2 hops, fairly simple were my thoughts.

Fermentation was mental for a couple of days and has really slowed now, not concerned though just gonna leave it for 14 days then do the final gravity reading.
Can't wait to try it!!

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