Additional heat source to aid boil?

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New Member
Apr 26, 2020
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Hi folks,

Newbie here, currently fermenting my first 1 gallon kit batch and would like to be in a position to move up to 23l batches(have purchased a suitable pot and vessel etc) my concern is I’m using a 30l stock pot on an electric domestic hob for the boil and even with the small starter batch I wasn’t 100% happy with the quality of the boil, it would get a rolling boil in one small area of the pot which doesn’t seem ideal especially as I’m looking at trying to heat an even larger amount of liquid in the future

My first thought was to use some sort of supplementary heating element to aid the boil process but I thought it worth asking the question here as I’m sure I’m not the first to come across an issue like this.

Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciate
I doubt your hob will cope....I use a 33 litre pot on my wok burner gas ring on my cooker and it just about does it.
If you're brewing indoors you may need to look at an induction heater or move outside and get a gas burner.
If you're brewing indoors you may need to look at an induction heater or move outside and get a gas burner.

I don’t know how any of you get permission to brew indoors. My wife tolerates the time I spend on my hobby but whenever I’m brewing and she walks into the garden i know exactly what she’s going to say every time. “that stuff bloody stinks”!
Thanks for the replies guys, I’m pretty sure the hob alone isn’t going to cut it so I was looking at similar elements to what honeymonster has posted, if that’s something that others are finding works for them then I think I’ll carry on down that route. Much appreciated :smallcheers:

As for brewing indoors, I’m 4 floors up so not much chance of outdoor brewing, next property will definitely have a decent sized garage on the wishlist!

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