Across The Pond

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Cactus Jack

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
APA style tonight, only my 3rd batch and I still haven't had a batch ready to drink.

OG 1.056
FG 1.014

Batch Size 4.5L
645g Wheat Malt
430g Pale Ale Malt
53g Torrified Wheat
20g Crystal 120

4.5g Northern Brewer @60
3.5g Northern Brewer @30
1.7g Northern Brewer @15

60 for 30 mins
68 for 40 mins
77 for 20 mins

Boil 90 mins

Gervin yeast.

Anyroad smells good just getting towards the end of the boil. I'll post the final results (i.e. taste test in 6 weeks 'ish). :cheers:
Thanks Bobsbeer. Hope so.

I've got a Brooklyn Grapefruit and Honey kit conditioning and should be ready Xmas day. Looking forward to this as the taste when bottling was good. When I've tried it I'll look at reviewing the kit on here. I also have a take on Old Speckled Hen (Young Heckled Wren) which is into a week of primary.

Have to say, even though I've yet to drink any, I enjoy brewing, therapeutic. May look to extending to 2 demi-johns, can't go much larger, just haven't got the room.

Any road getting lots of tips from here. :thumb:
Ok, bottled my Across The Pond APA today, so had a little taste.

Hmm... not sure what to make of it. The more I drank the more I liked it. However tasted as if something was missing, a little watery maybe. Reckon it needs something to lift it and it could be a great summer ale. Thinking of maybe increasing the late addition Northern brewer hops or maybe a late addition of something more citrusy. Any ideas?

Would bottle conditioning over time improve it? (Its not bad now, but that's just, it just isn't bad)
With any luck Thirsty. Will be a good test and some more experience.

However, I'm already formulating a plan to increase the initial hops and dry hop with cascade :hmm: . Seems such a move could have potential. But that'll have to wait until I've brewed a wheat beer (which I was meant to do Sunday, life had other ideas) and a single hop show case brew based on First Gold variety :grin: .
For me, I think I would have added the hops "the other way around". That is I would have started with less than 3g at the start then more for the last 20 mins. Then whack a good load in at flameout, after the wort has cooled to 90C.
This will release the fuller spectrum of hop flavours, rather than concentrating on the bitterness.
Cactus Jack said:
Ok, bottled my Across The Pond APA today, so had a little taste.

Hmm... not sure what to make of it. The more I drank the more I liked it. However tasted as if something was missing, a little watery maybe. Reckon it needs something to lift it and it could be a great summer ale. Thinking of maybe increasing the late addition Northern brewer hops or maybe a late addition of something more citrusy. Any ideas?

Would bottle conditioning over time improve it? (Its not bad now, but that's just, it just isn't bad)

It would taste watery, lack of body, because your recipe only has 37% of base pale malt, the wheat and the crystal at that quantity don't give you much maltyness, so next time try and get your base malt (pale malt) up in the 90% range.
Cheers Duxuk,

So from what you have said I'll lower the starting hops and increase the later additions to increase flavour while keeping bitterness and add some at flame out. Will do thanks. :thumb:

Thanks Good Ed,

So Pale Malt provides body, wheat not so much. This is based on a recipe I grabbed from somewhere, hoping it may improve when carbed and may then make a fair 'ish summer ale, I 'll wait and see. However back to your info, not that I'd use them in this brew but what about other grains and the body they provide, pilsner malts and such?

You were spot on thirsty. 2 wks of conditioning and tried some today before moving to the garage to finish. Very nice indeed extremely morish and frighteningly easy to drink. Would say it'd make a good session beer, however it's 5.6 abv. Definitely going to brew this again, plus due to research think I'll also do another version containing some rye malt, last addition and dry hopped cascade plus saison yeast. Very pleased.