A quick survey

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Hi guys,

I was wondering and hoping some of you might be willing to help me out a little.

I am currently at uni in Leeds studying psychology and I had to make a quick survey and get some people to answer it.

It is about smoking restrictions and I would really appreciate it some of you could fill it out.

It would probably take no more than 5mins really.

The link is http://tinyurl.com/ll11kmc

Thank you very much in advance.

Thanks to you guys I managed to get enough people complete the 'non-smokers' portion of my survey so a massive thank you.

Just smokers needed now! again, I would greatly appreciate all the help I can get! = D
Done, as a smoker who's trying to quit, not entirely succeeding but intake has been reduced drastically.
Again, Thank you guys.

I only need 11 more smokers to fill it out and that part of my study will be done!
You lot have really really helped me out! = D

Cheers! :cheers:
yep, done it.

i've had a bash at quitting numerous times to no avail. fact is at the moment I generally dislike my life so it's a bit of a vice.

that's all due to change in the next few months though, and I reakon smoking will go with it! I definitely reakon it needs a lifestyle change, not just to cut it out.
Hey guys,

Thanks for all your help so far. Also, thanks for the comments after.

I was just doing the data input for the non-smokers and some of them didn't save (from early on so don't think it was anyone from here :thumb: (was probably just a technical error))

Anyways, I have re-opened the non-smokers part as I need 3 more people

Thanks again people

Just want to say a massive thanks to everyone...i have now managed to complete the first part of my survey and in part that is down to people from this forum. so thanks again to everyone that helped out.
