A Punch required...

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Jun 25, 2012
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You don't often hear a Yorkshireman saying that unless its about someone else. Ha.

I've got the wife's 60th birthday party end of September and have been stockpiling some home brew for the occasion.
I am or the wife is wanting to make a gallon or so of Punch to put out on the table for folks to help themselves and hopefully save me beers from being hammered. :twisted: So I'm looking for any inspiration from you lovely people.

I want it to have as its base my dry 8.0% cider, I want it to be alcoholic but not overly so. and I want it fruity tasting, we usually add a spirit base to punches, but want to miss out on that this year after several folks said it was lovely but too strong ! We like floating fruit too..... but not so folks end up apple bobbing.

Any recipes or ideas.
You could make a batch of a rose easy wine to mix with the cider. 3 RGJ, 2 WGJ, 2 Pomegranite, 2 Orange, 1 Cranberry. About 900g sugar, 100g raisins. Usual other stuff and a red bordeaux yeast. Makes 25lt. SG 1.085 Very nice chilled.
I've made a few over the years, and can't honestly say I have a tried and trusted recipe that works as I just tend to chuck in whatever is lying around (although the base is always a rose or medium white, dry cider and lemonade to give it a good fizz!). The last one I used my homemade grapefruit wine but it didn't turn out that well as it was a little harsh.

You could always make the fruit the alcoholic part eg vodka watermelon, rum strawberries, brandy cherries etc by soaking them in the spirits and adding to the base (just warn your guests that they have a kick though :D )

Failing that there's always PIMMS and lemonade with the fruit slice :lol:

Good luck
Failing that there's always PIMMS and lemonade with the fruit slice

:sick: :sick:


Yes we've decided to fall back on the tried and trusted method of chuck stuff in Its served us well for many years. However we have decided this year not to make it alcoholic as we've found quite a lot of the ladies prefer just a nice tasting fruit drink, the idea of having a few separate alcohol steeped fruits for folks to pick up and add themselves to their drinks is appealing and could be fun. Strawberries melon balls,oranges etc. Could make a nice table display.

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