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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2012
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I've just had a taste out of both the FV's of my first two AG brews. AG#2 Fullers London Porter had stopped fermenting so I took the opportunity to rack it into a clean FV to get it off the two inches of crud that got sucked into the original FV from the boiler. I put in a bit of yeast nutrient and gave it a stir and hopefully it'll get going again. It went off like a rocket to begin with and dropped from 1.052 - 1.026 in two days. Had to taste the wort (drink all of) from the sight glass. Complex coffee and chocolate and all sorts going on.

Also checked the SG of AG#1 American Pale Ale, it's smelt a bit like cats p*ss during fermentation but it tastes lovely now, down to 1.012 and still bubbling away. Quite a thin body and not quite enough hop aroma yet. I'm going to dry hop with 28g of Citra in secondary FV and put it away for a few months.

Both of these taste so much better than most of the kits I've done and they're not even ready yet. I've surprised myself by making beer that's as good as you can buy. Better even as it's made to my own tastes. A big thank you to the people who have answered my questions on here and other forums and the people who have contributed so much to all us beginners which we can read and read and read from here.

A massive :cheers: to you all.

Definitely going to Big Spring Thing and entering a few beers just to see how far I've got to go.
Good to hear your of you success. Hope you make it to the spring thing, your beers will be assessed by a trained pallet, you will get the chance to sample other peoples brews and talk to other brewers. You can fail to enjoy such a weekend.
but in the mean time you can send me your beers to try.... :D
of course you made better beer than a kit doing ag

now all you need is three shiney 100l pots :shock:

run now you fool itll never stop..... :D
Will 100L be enough? Perhaps 200L and massive conical fermenters :D
Glad your first AGs are turning out well - it's definitely a revelation.
Just did a QC on my Ag#3 Crouch Vale Best Bitter and going just by the sample it's great (also spot on FG 1.008 after a week).
There seems to be a lot of interest in AG brewing now judging by the number of new posters on here and elsewhere. Not surprising I suppose with the price of beer as it is. About £2 for a half litre bottle of ale seems to be the going rate in the big supermarkets.