330ml bottles

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Active Member
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
South Wales
Got a few of these but are they of any use, does anyone else use them? otherwise il get rid of them and use the larger 500ml bottles.
I'm trying to get 70-odd for a brew that's too strong to drink 500ml of in one go (~8% and rammed with flavour) but if you've no room and nothing like that planned, may as well ditch 'em, I can't imagine they'd be too hard to get hold of again and they're a lot (50% more) of extra hassle.
Same as Leondz, I recently used all my 330ml for a Punk IPA clone as its 6% and thought that it would be good to just have a half now and again (even although it is breaking with tradition). :roll:

I'm going to be buying more Brewdog beers to build up the stock of bottle for a really strong beer someday (and while I am at it I may aswell throw the content down my neck).
But what do you do when even 330ml bottles are too big for your brew :shock:

I found myself having to buy budweiser minis (208ml bottle) to get my bottles . . .90 of them :roll: . . . . Actually when drinking it I realised what a quality product it is . . . .If somewhat tasteless, and not what I would ever choose to drink, unless I had a very good reason too
Aleman said:
Actually when drinking it I realised what a quality product it is . . . .If somewhat tasteless, and not what I would ever choose to drink, unless I had a very good reason too

I'm assuming your tongue is very much in cheek with comments like that? :sick:
Every now & then Aldi do an offer on their own version of Stella Artois. As with everything they do it's almost a clone in looks & taste of the real product, but in this case you get something like 24 250ml bottles for £5.

What is useful though is that the 'bottles' are actually green PETS and certainly reusable.
Locky said:
what is PETS?
could do with an abbreviation sticky thread.....
Top left, in the forum banner, “Glossary”.

PETs are plastic bottles, it's PolyEthylene Terephthalate

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