2nd custom AG

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Active Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Made our 2nd custom AG today. Malts: crystal, munich, vienna and caramalt. Hops fuggles and citra.

Should be interesting, our first batch had too much bittering hops so whilst it tastes good it has a really bitter aftertaste. We've altered the hops for this one in the hope of retaining the citrus flavour without it being too bitter...

After the primary we'll split it and add raspberries to one half to experiment with fruit beer.
Well done. Hope your experiment works out. Not tried it myself as I like beer to taste like beer, but I do like the odd cherry kriek.
Thanks - we made a raspberry beer before using extract so wanted to see if we can made a palatable AG version. Worried that the citra might be overpowering but we enjoy learning by the seat of our pants!
Bottled this last night - not bad. The raspberry is maybe a bit sharp but carbonation might help. The un-raspberried part tastes a bit like tanglefoot. Disaster bottling though - trie using the wee 355ml Blue Moon bottles and the necks snapped!

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