2nd BIAB queries

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I'm going from extract/ partial mash to BIAB as soon as I can get the new things together. My research on the forum has been very usefull. One thing I have discovered is that you need to raise your temperature from a mashing temp of, say, 68C to a mashout temp of the order of 78C. You stir enthusiastically as you do so and it will increase your efficiency by around 5 points. Don't know if you've all been doing this, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. :cheers:
Sometimes it works, sometimes not...

Mashout usually gets me a point or two, fine crushed grain is the biggest winner for me so far. :thumb:
calumscott said:
Sometimes it works, sometimes not...

Mashout usually gets me a point or two, fine crushed grain is the biggest winner for me so far. :thumb:

In your opinion, should I mash out for every BIAB?
This is my source of information.............it's only an opinion of course, but halfway down it says that mashout is not normally necessay in AG, but essential in BIAB.

http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/forum/ ... php?t=4650

5 points of efficiency may be an exageration, but it sounds like it's worth doing.
Yes, we discussed BIAB mashouts at length in another thread and the conclusion was "why wouldn't you?"...
calumscott said:
It's what Beersmith is telling me!

8.4kg grain, 20.5l batch size. Was looking for 1.064 preboil, only got 1.050. Beersmith says that's a mash efficiency of 23.4%

I had to lash in a kilo of extra fermentibles to get me back to where I wanted to be for the boil!

You're figures are not adding up here Calum :wha: - am I missing something?

Using 8.4kg of Maris Otter in a 20.5l batch, you'd have to be using a figure of somewhere like 49% efficiency to get a reading of 1.064. Even assuming that very low figure is correct then if you achieved 1.050, that would still be in the high 30s percent wise.

If you have a link to your recipe, I'll run the full figures :hmm:
EskiBrew said:
calumscott said:
It's what Beersmith is telling me!

8.4kg grain, 20.5l batch size. Was looking for 1.064 preboil, only got 1.050. Beersmith says that's a mash efficiency of 23.4%

I had to lash in a kilo of extra fermentibles to get me back to where I wanted to be for the boil!

You're figures are not adding up here Calum :wha: - am I missing something?

Using 8.4kg of Maris Otter in a 20.5l batch, you'd have to be using a figure of somewhere like 49% efficiency to get a reading of 1.064. Even assuming that very low figure is correct then if you achieved 1.050, that would still be in the high 30s percent wise.

If you have a link to your recipe, I'll run the full figures :hmm:

Oooh hang on - maybe it's because of the extra fermentibles I lashed in the boil that's throwing Beersmith off...?

Yup... That looks better...

Total Efficiency was set to 70% in the original recipe (oops!) and BS told me to expect 1.063 pre boil/1.078 pre boil.

I hit 1.050 pre boil.

By taking out the extras (sugar and DME) that went into the boil it now gives me an efficiency of 39.7%

Thanks for spotting that! :thumb:
calumscott said:
Total Efficiency was set to 70% in the original recipe (oops!) and BS told me to expect 1.063 pre boil/1.078 pre boil.

I hit 1.050 pre boil.

By taking out the extras (sugar and DME) that went into the boil it now gives me an efficiency of 39.7%

Thanks for spotting that! :thumb:

Still confused how you get 1.063 only from 8.4kg grain at 70% in 20 litres but it sounds like you have figured something out :thumb:
EskiBrew said:
calumscott said:
Total Efficiency was set to 70% in the original recipe (oops!) and BS told me to expect 1.063 pre boil/1.078 pre boil.

I hit 1.050 pre boil.

By taking out the extras (sugar and DME) that went into the boil it now gives me an efficiency of 39.7%

Thanks for spotting that! :thumb:

Still confused how you get 1.063 only from 8.4kg grain at 70% in 20 litres but it sounds like you have figured something out :thumb:

Ah, ballcocks, sorry - 7.4kg grain - the extra kilo was the sugars I added to bump up the gravity when I missed target. :oops:

Does that work out better?
calumscott said:
Ah, ballcocks, sorry - 7.4kg grain - the extra kilo was the sugars I added to bump up the gravity when I missed target. :oops:
Does that work out better?

Hmmm - even with 7.4kg at 70%, I still get a gravity of 1.080 :wha: