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Feb 22, 2010
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Well my 2 kit wherry got its first taste tonight,Was going to say ill never go back to single can brewing as it tasted fabulous. But started a Wilko light lager more for the other half than me ,was wondering how and when I could add some lime flavouring during the process .thanks
I wouldn't add the lime to the brew, just add it when you want to drink your brew. I looked in to adding like to the cerveza kit I did, but decided just to add to taste when I'm ready to drink it.
Id suggest the same, it can be alot of hassle and you cant take it out again!
I know its slightly different but I add summer fruit cordial to cider when bottling. You need to be careful if using cordial with sugar in as you don't know how many more fermentables it's adding and if the bottle will explode or not. On top of this cordial with the sugar fermented out isn't that nice (Much better to use sugar free). My advice would be to give it a try with 5-6 bottles and see how it tastes. If its nasty, you know it didn't work. If its a success, you know what yo do next time.
killer140269 said:
Well my 2 kit wherry got its first taste tonight,Was going to say ill never go back to single can brewing as it tasted fabulous.

Don't know how old your Wherry is but its good at 3 weeks and gets a lot better. Mines at about 8 weeks old now and tastes great. :thumb:
Started brewing my wherry at the end of September and it just keeps getting better, been tempted with the brupaks but had a few kits for Christmas so going to do them first.

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