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New Member
Jan 4, 2016
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Hi folks,

I'm a newbie to the kit making and have a few questions before I get going. I have a Youngs Brew Buddy lager kit...

  • Should I add an airlock to the bucket? Will it make the beer taste better? Doesn't mention anything about this on the kit!
  • I am planning to allow fermentation in our wardrobe but my wife is slightly concerned about odours on her clothes. Has anyone had any experience of this?
  • What is the best sugar to use when bottling? Priming sugar again?
Thanks for any tips or advice you can give me, I am sure there will be plenty more in the future.

Many thanks,

Firstly I would say it's up to personal choice when it comes to an airlock. I never use airlocks with 3 of my FV'S but do with my glass carboy. I secure the plastic lid on 2 of my Youngs FV'S then just break the seal at a point over about 4cm diameter which is enough to allow slight pressure to build up inside but still allow CO2 out. On my Coopers FV the lid just sits on top. I've never had a bad brew these ways but to be 100% sure of nothing getting into to spoil it an airlock is the guaranteed way.
Either way, with or without an airlock the beer will taste exactly the same as long as there's no infection.
Secondly, I have a brew cupboard but a couple of coats are hung in there. When I open the cupboard while a couple of brews are on the go the smell is quite strong and it can always be smelled in the hallway but I've never noticed the smell on my jackets so in my experience the house will smell for a short while but your clothes won't. I have an ioniser in the living room which seems to do a good job eliminating all smells in there.
Good luck when you start your brew.
By the way. You can use sugar from the supermarket, brewing sugar or the best results would be from using a Dry Malt Extract. If you plan to do more in the future it might be good to start with sugar just so you can see the difference between that and DME. It would cost you a lot less using sugar but the taste would be better using DME.
Should I add an airlock to the bucket? Will it make the beer taste better? Doesn't mention anything about this on the kit!
Definitely! It won't make your beer taste better directly however it will lessen the chance of getting it infected which will definitely make it taste worse!

I am planning to allow fermentation in our wardrobe but my wife is slightly concerned about odours on her clothes. Has anyone had any experience of this?
No experience of this but can imagine this might happen. Better to pick somewhere under the stairs or in the airing cupboard etc. Less chance of the fermenter being knocked over too!

What is the best sugar to use when bottling? Priming sugar again?
Basic white table sugar is fine. 1/2 a level teaspoon per 500ml should do it. (get a chefs spoon measure thing to make life easy). Alternatively you can buy Coopers carbonation drops which are similar to boiled sweets that you add to the bottles.

No such thing as a stupid question!
I don't use airlock, not necessary IMO, if your lid is not 100% airtight gas will leak anyway, if it is airtight you can release gas by cracking the lid open slightly for a second, or leave a small section of lid unfastened, as described above.

Women smell things that men don't, in my experience! Proceed with care...
I guess it depends on your FV whether you need an airlock or not. Mine are screw top wine fermenters with a pre-cut bung hole in the lid which makes a bung and airlock a necessity for me!
By the way. You can use sugar from the supermarket, brewing sugar or the best results would be from using a Dry Malt Extract. If you plan to do more in the future it might be good to start with sugar just so you can see the difference between that and DME. It would cost you a lot less using sugar but the taste would be better using DME.

I think I made a boo boo! When I asked about using a priming sugar for bottling, you suggested to use a DME which I have done! I put half a teaspoon in each bottle first before bottling and just wondering if you thought I meant a sugar used in the FV. Have I messed it up the brew do you think? Is it still going to carbonate?
I think I made a boo boo! When I asked about using a priming sugar for bottling, you suggested to use a DME which I have done! I put half a teaspoon in each bottle first before bottling and just wondering if you thought I meant a sugar used in the FV. Have I messed it up the brew do you think? Is it still going to carbonate?
It will still carbonate. It might have less fizz than expected but should still be ok.
you should be fine, I use an air lock on my brews because I have one and i like to hear it bubbling away, for priming my bottles i use normal sugar that you would put in a cup of tea, I normally use 1/2 teaspoon per 500mil bottle, I have use those cabination drops which others have mention but didnt rate them them. I now batch prime and it makes it alot easier its where you weigh out your sugar for larger I use about 120gram for 23litres boil it in some water put it into another fermenter then syphon the fermented beer ontop of the dissolved sugar then bottle it. Its a learning curve but do what ever is best for you.
lot of people to help you out on hear.