1st AG brew, have I done something a bit stupid??

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New Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Made my first AG brew yesterday but I'm now having some doubts as to whether I've done a few things wrong and what the results will be!
During the mashing stage all was going well but I may have forgotten to turn off the element for a short time :oops:
Temp went up to around 75C but I quickly brought it back down with a bit of cold water...

Next problem, the boil finished and I put the liquor into the primary fermenter and topped up to the 5 gallon mark with cold water, still too hot for yeast :cry:
Before I went to bed, temp was down to around 50C so I took the gravity and it was 1.032! was looking for 1.040!
Oh noes! I thought.... I'll add some spraymalt and bring up the OG, which I promptly did before going to bed.
Came down this morning and the OG is 1.045! Ahh.... Forgot about temperature effects on hydrometer...

So my questions are simple... Have I ballsed it? Will I end up with an overly sweet, slightly grim brew? Should I have left it to cool overnight? Did the high mashing temp ruin flavous etc..?
(Yes, I probably will drink it anyway!) :roll:

It'll be fine :thumb:
It's all part of the learning process ;)
You may end up with a slightly higher finishing gravity than you had hoped for but believe me when I say that, as it is your first AG it'll be the best beer you've ever tasted :grin:
The flavour will be fine :drink:
Cheers Tubby!
I'll cross my fingers and see how it goes, I've always got the 5 gallons of Muntons Smugglers thats conditioning! ;)
I confidently predict that once you taste your all grain the Smugglers will relegated 'til the all grain is drunk ;)
You made your first All Grain, and those are the only mistakes you made?

You are a wizard, and well ahead of what most of us managed to cock up on our first one or two.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the brew. It will be fine.
Mate my first Ag -I flooded the kitchen Burned the lino and had all sorts of probs with strike temps and the like, and you know what I ended up with the finest brew in the civilised world..... You will too.
Enjoy it..... You will end up hooked,
I predict that within a year you will end up standing in a room full of strangers Saying "My name is Toby Kilroy.... and... and Im a Brewer"
I had (and dont ask how!!) the mash tun fell into the boiler after sparging had finished. And it had just started the hot break! :shock: :shock: :shock: :pray:

My set up changed design after that day. The beer turned out ok, which I was suprised about.

Been brewing for 14 years so mistakes happen when they do. :lol:
Thanks for all your words of encouragement lads.
Beer has been going about a week now (3 days conditioning) and my impatience got the better of me, and I poured this!! :mrgreen:


In my eyes, a thing of beauty....

Colour: check!
Head: check! (but not poured as well as it couldbe ;) )
Taste: not bad! not bad at all! still a bit sweet but should condition down (correct me if I'm wrong), and a bit "tanniny" (is that even a word? :roll: ) but you were right, the smugglers can wait (although I may have to drink the smugglers for this one to condition a while longer...)

I'd love to hear your thoughts,
Cheers! :drunk:

tubby_shaw said:
I confidently predict that once you taste your all grain the Smugglers will relegated 'til the all grain is drunk ;)
Told you so :lol:

Well done that man :thumb:
Looks a great pint, submit it to the Feck Test :thumb:
Tubby - you were bang on!
It tastes good!

Must leave - must condition (repeat until beer has gone....) :whistle:

Did a second brew a few days later based on Summer Lightning, all done by the book ,sparge et al. Just put it into my new corny keg tonight, v exciting.
Photos to follow in a few weeks I'm sure!!

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