1984 bottle of Samichlaus

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Active Member
Sep 24, 2014
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Looky here what gem I picked up at a boot fair for 50p. Super rare and a beer which is meant to be aged... And it's 30 years old! Not sure how it's been stored and i would aver that it hasn't been stored with care. Looks like it will be the flip of a coin. Christmas day this year will be interesting.
A good buy I'd say. :thumb: A good few rarities in the picture too I notice.

As a lover of strong beers I usually keep the odd bottle for ageing along with a few Thomas Hardy Ales & De Dolle Stille Nachts for drinking on Christmas Eve.

You certainly have the enviable tipples. I would age it further but I think 30 years is quite enough. Yeah some old school brews, the ones with the high OGs I am hopeful. But a few pale Ales will be no good
had a 3 yr old bottle this xmas.

Nice to try sherry/port throughout.

maybe a few more years would be good.

It was tasty but not good enough to want to repeat. Still glad I tried it :drink:

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