100 Members Sweep Stake

The Homebrew Forum

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October 21st - 100 members
November 23rd - 150 members


:party: :party: :party:

Shall we celebrate ? :drunk:
i will.... when i get back from dropping littlern off in a bit ;) :drink:

are we having a 200 sweepstake? :D
BrewStew said:
i will.... when i get back from dropping littlern off in a bit ;) :drink:

are we having a 200 sweepstake? :D

Yea but this time it's for those bottles of stella :sick:

Maybe we'll do one for the 1000th member :)
Looks like number 200 is just around the corner :shock:
I'm not doing another sweepstake-i got the extra three mates i needed to join up and all of them said it wouldn't allow them to join up. :nono:

So if THE FORUM had allowed them to join i would have won. I feel some cheating went on. You cheating gits! :rofl:

But out of the 200 how many actually contribute regularly? The regular posters on here are what makes it such a great forum not the amount of members we have. :cool:
But i'm impressed with the response to the forum anyway. Getting 200 members already is bloody good going i'd say. :thumb:

I think those who join up and join in are a real fun bunch of people who enjoy brewing and also enjoy the great sense of humour that is woven into the whole forum. There is a lot of good advice here and not many 'do it like this or your crap' posts or attitudes. :cool: :cool: :cool: Which is really refreshing compared to the diving and fishkeeping forums where i get bored of the 'i'm the best and what i say is right' sort of attitude from people who know little or nothing about the subject they are bleating on about.
We like the forum tone :cool:

199 members now by the way, anyone want to guess the date for number 200??