Of course the 1300kg is across all of us1300kg! Hmm not sure I can fit all that in, although I did pick up a ton of firebricks for a pizza oven. Slow journey home that one ...
Happy to help others local to me to take advantage of this for sure.
Pizza & Beer - when can we expect an invite?1300kg! Hmm not sure I can fit all that in, although I did pick up a ton of firebricks for a pizza oven. Slow journey home that one ...
Happy to help others local to me to take advantage of this for sure.
Yes DavidHi, could I be added to the list please? I live in Manchester. Not sure what I'd want just yet, stock check required in January.
Hi CChopps kindly introduced me to this thread, and being in Sandbach its something i am very interested in chipping in on.
I am however yet to do my first AG batch so need to do some research on the best malt types for a beginner and suited to the English ales and IPA's styles i like.
What's the latest notice for adding to the order?
Also in researching I came across Muntons malt guide for anyone interested.
Hi C
The Muntons Guide is very useful - thank you for sharing the link
We are planning to put the order together in mid January, so I will add your name to the list and private message you in January
Obviously you can buy a full 25kg bag but this time we are also looking to break most of the malts down to 3kg or 5kg bags - Chopps and I will fund any excess until it is used. So you might want any of these in any mix
I also brew ale mainly - and have lot's of recipes I could share and these would identify what ingredients you need
What is your favourite ale? I currently am conditioning Abbot Ale, Old Speckled Hen and Old Tom amongst others. I have also just finished a some Worthington White Shield which is a classic old fashioned IPA. None of these were complex
There is a private message group for the Sandbach lot, so I will message you via that so you are included in that
Yes Roger - hopefully not for too longI presume the restrictions are putting this on hold as well OB?
Hi RobIs it still an option to be added to the list? Are the malts crushed? Thinking MO + a few 3kg or 5kg bags.
Great ThanksSouth Derbyshire, hoping i can collect off bodger001 restrictions allowing etc.