December is Wheat Beer Time!

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Quantum Brewer
Apr 8, 2014
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Just a little heads up that it's about time to start thinking about brewing for the December HBF Competition which is wheat beer month.

If you've never brewed a wheat, now is the time. Everyone should give this style a bash, it's a simple beer to make, it has a very quick turn around time and a freshly made hefeweizen is a beautiful thing.

If you're not too familiar with brewing this style I've included my top tips below :D

1. Yeast selection is key. German style wheats are very yeast driven so make sure the yeast is treated right.
2. If you have a fermentation fridge, control the temperature closely. Weizen yeasts are heavily affected by small temperature differences which means your desired flavor can be easily tailored. Lower temperatures give clove, higher temperatures give banana. Check your particular yeast strain for the recommended temperature range.
3. Keep it simple. The best weizen recipes are very simple. Half wheat malt and half pilsner malt with a single bittering addition. Done.
4. Lauter slowly to avoid a stuck mash. A few hundred grams of rice hulls added to the mash will help, as will a mash out step.
5. If you treat your water use calcium chloride to enhance the malt flavours.
6. Keep the mash temperature low. This style should be light and refreshing.
7. Fresher is better. This is a quick to make style and can go grain to glass in 2 weeks. Conditioning time is not required so as soon as it's carbonated it's ready to drink. This isn't an aging beer, it won't get better with extended conditioning so drink it fresh.

There we go, one of the simplest beers to make and great if you need beer in a hurry. Below are the style guidelines for December:

Wheat Beer
(Includes Weissbier, Dunkel Weissbier, American Wheat Beer, Witbier. Does not include other styles with lower percentages of wheat, Saisons or Wild/Lambic/Sour brews including Berliner Weisse)
Wheat beers should have an OG of between 1.040 and 1.055 (exceptions exist such as Weizenbock which is generally 1.060-1.090) and 5-30 IBUs. American What Beers may have higher IBUs. Wheat Beers typically exhibit flavour/aroma created by yeast and fermentation processes. Malt intensity can be enhanced via decoctions or other methods. Hops are usually noble and in the background (American Wheats aside). Some degree of fruit or spice tones is acceptable, as is tartness, sourness and sharpness, dependent upon the style. Wheat beers should be dry with higher levels of carbonation.

What's the minimum percentage of wheat allowed? I don't really like wheat beers but figured I could concoct something that might just about scrape in the style guidelines! :lol:

What's the minimum percentage of wheat allowed? I don't really like wheat beers but figured I could concoct something that might just about scrape in the style guidelines! :lol:

Bavarian Weissbiers are typically 60-70 per cent wheat, whereas American Wheats are around 50 per cent. Much of the typical Weissbier taste (which might be the bit you don't like) is yeast-generated. However, not all wheat beers are Weissbier!

Wits typically use Belgian yeast and award-winning American wheats have been made with Safale US-05 and spicy US hops. A 50/50 split of pale wheat and pale malt with a clean US-style yeast and a spice-based US hop combo will be refreshing, tasty and well within style.

Or you could man-up and learn to love Weissbiers...
Well according to the bjcp guidelines an American style wheat beer can be around 30% wheat, maybe that's a way to go.
Bavarian Weissbiers are typically 60-70 per cent wheat, whereas American Wheats are around 50 per cent. Much of the typical Weissbier taste (which might be the bit you don't like) is yeast-generated. However, not all wheat beers are Weissbier!

Wits typically use Belgian yeast and award-winning American wheats have been made with Safale US-05 and spicy US hops. A 50/50 split of pale wheat and pale malt with a clean US-style yeast and a spice-based US hop combo will be refreshing, tasty and well within style.

Or you could man-up and learn to love Weissbiers...


I've tried, honest!
I am in Steve. Just got one on the go. I read the other night, might of been white labs site, that over pitching can eliminate the banana taste. Think i could of been guilty of this as its not consistant.
I love this style of beer. High Carb levels are needed as well for mouthfeel.
Could be a stupid question.........
Does the bottle need to be with you by the end of November or December?
Could be a stupid question.........
Does the bottle need to be with you by the end of November or December?

Yep as Leon said the bottles should be in before the end of December.
This thread was just an unofficial heads up, maybe next week @DoctorMick will get an official thread started.
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