Well well well, I received my copy of the Greg Hughes Home Brew Beer a few days ago and over those days iv fully immersed myself in it and it has opened my eyes to several things. What a book this is. To Me it feels like a written Documentary with the added bonus of a hell of a lot of beers to be made. I love pictures as I'm a big kid and they really help to get my kogs turning in my head lol. Seriously though, What a Bloody good Book this is. Payed �ã10 off Amazon for a "Used" including P+P and the book hadn't even been opened before. You could tell the pages hadn't even once parted.
Chuffed to bits. This book is clearly a must have for any Homebrewer serious of his craft. LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!! Now I suggest if you haven't already got this book. Go Buy It.