Hello everyone!
Not sure this is the correct section as I am not just talking about home brew, I'm also talking about store bought.
I have always poured the drink and tried to leave the sediment behind, but I have seen a few websites where people suggest mixing the sediment up and drinking it as it improves flavour... This seems to be what people have said about Belgian beers such as duvel.
I'm really wondering how does everyone drink theirs, do you leave the sediment in the bottle or do you drink the whole lot? Are there certain beers/lagers that you should/shouldn't drink the yeast with?
Someones probably asked this before but I couldn't find anything while searching, be interested to see what you all suggest..
Cheers :
Not sure this is the correct section as I am not just talking about home brew, I'm also talking about store bought.
I have always poured the drink and tried to leave the sediment behind, but I have seen a few websites where people suggest mixing the sediment up and drinking it as it improves flavour... This seems to be what people have said about Belgian beers such as duvel.
I'm really wondering how does everyone drink theirs, do you leave the sediment in the bottle or do you drink the whole lot? Are there certain beers/lagers that you should/shouldn't drink the yeast with?
Someones probably asked this before but I couldn't find anything while searching, be interested to see what you all suggest..
Cheers :