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  1. R

    Stout started bubbling again!

    So what flavours have you used and did they work? My last batch of coopers stout I added "Star Anis" after 4 or 5 days initial fermenting for that aniseed/licorice flavour which I love. Don't know if it's worked yet though until another couple of weeks when I crack one open :-p
  2. R

    Stout started bubbling again!

    Thanks for the replies guys. Think i will wait untill the weekend now to bottle. Just wondering....seeing as ive added more sugar within the liquorice am i still ok to give each bottle 1/2 tea spoon of sugar?
  3. R

    Stout started bubbling again!

    Im on my 4th Coopers stout kit with added black treacle and absolutely love this beer. Its been in the fermenting bin for 2 weeks and as usual was ready for bottling. SG was 1.054 & FG is 1.015. Using the coopers formula this works out to 5.7% This time i decided to give it a Liquorice flavour...
  4. R

    Coopers Stout kit + Liquorice Flavour ??

    Im on my third batch of coopers original stout and just love it. I normally use 1kg Muntons Enhancer and also add a tin of black treacle. This latest 40 pints is still bubbling away nicely after 3 days but im now thinking "can i add some star anise" to get a liquorice flavour? Ive recently...
  5. R

    Woodfords Wherry with honey & ginger ??

    Rob, thanks for the reply. The wherry kit doesnt require any added sugar so i would just be adding the honey. I assume it would still work!
  6. R

    Woodfords Wherry with honey & ginger ??

    I only do kit brews atm and wondered if i tweaked my favourite "Woodfords Wherry" with honey and ginger is there any reason why it wouldnt work? A previous suggestion for the ginger was to blitz it in the food processor and add after a few days of initial fermenting but when would be best to add...
  7. R

    tweaking a wherry with ginger?

    Seeing as the wherry is my favourite kit so far I would like to do another but with a ginger flavour. So, assuming I use root ginger, what's the best way to prepare it? and when is the best time to add it? and how much should I use? I'm guessing I need to add it from the start but have no idea...
  8. R

    coopers australian lager tweaks?

    Going to be brewing the coopers Australian lager kit the weekend and just wondered if I should do anything other than instructed? ie... brew short add extra hops etc etc. I fully understand it won't be a proper lager using the ale yeast but should I tweak it in any way? Thanks
  9. R

    What to add to a Coopers Original Stout

    Thanks for your replies ;-) My wife got my coopers stout kit last night and also got 1kg of Wilkos brewing sugar which also says on the back "Dextrose Monohydrate." Will this be ok instead of granulated sugar? I was going to more or less do my first stout as instructions say and then tweak for...
  10. R

    What to add to a Coopers Original Stout?

    This Stout will be my 5th brew so im very much still a novice!! Just been reading the review thread on this Coopers Stout but im a little confused. Im reading that *some* people add spray malt, brewing sugar, normal suger, treacle & syrup. All my other kits havent needed anything added so im...
  11. R

    What to add to a Coopers Original Stout

    This Stout will be my 5th brew so im very much still a novice!! Just been reading the review thread on this Coopers Stout but im a little confused. Im reading that *some* people add spray malt, brewing sugar, normal suger, treacle & syrup. All my other kits havent needed anything added so im...
  12. R

    What type & how much sugar?

    Im ready to bottle my "Woodfords Admirals Reserve" kit but just wondered if i can use normal sugar? Also i read somewhere to put 1/2 a tea spoon in each bottle but im thinking it might be better to mix the sugar with the siphoned beer in another fv ? At least i can make sure its properly mixed...
  13. R

    Fermentation not started ??

    Thanks peeps, i needn't have worried though. The air lock is bubbling like a good un now :D
  14. R

    anyone brewed a Festival Father Hooks?

    Ive just bottled my first brew which is the Father Hooks recommended by my local brew shop. Ive done everything to the instructions apart from the fact i left it in the fv 3 weeks rather than the 10 days stated in the instructions. The SG hadnt dropped enough so left until it had. Its early days...
  15. R

    Fermentation not started ??

    Having just bottled my first ever brew which is the "Festival Father Hooks" ale i decided to get a second on the go and went for the "Woodfords Admiral Reserve" Trouble is after 5 hours theres no bubbles coming through the air lock and the water in there is level in both the chambers...
  16. R

    A little concerned with my first brew!

    I seem to be going away from my festival ale kit instructions and need a little reassurance/advise. Instructions say after 5 days add the hops and then after a further 5 days it can be kegged. After the recommended 10 days the gravity was 1.018 but instructions say it should be 1.009. After...
  17. R

    couple of newb questions

    forgot to ask what you think the finished alcohol strength might be? Ta..
  18. R

    couple of newb questions

    Hi guys, my first post but guess im gonna be in here quite often now. Im on my first brew atm. Went to my local brew shop and bought the Festival Premium Ales Father Hooks kit. Im doing everything as instructed but have a question. I put the hops in as instructed after 5 days and a further 5...