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  1. MarkCL

    Hogs Back T.E.A recipe?

    Marvellous! Thanks! :thumb: :hat: Will try some with a basic ale yeast (maybe Gervin as it's easiest to get hold of I think), then see if I can get hold of some of the proper stuff from Hogs Back and see what difference it makes :drink: Cheers, Mark
  2. MarkCL

    calling all hairy brewers(shaver help)

    Another advocate of DE shaving here - I have both a Edwin Jagger and a Merkur DE razor and packs of blades are cheap as chips compared to the Gillette stuff. Add using proper shaving cream in a tub from Proraso or Taylors of Old Bond Street and you'll be amazed at the difference :thumb: I know...
  3. MarkCL

    Hogs Back T.E.A recipe?

    Hi all - as and when the temperature drops down a bit I'm going to do a couple of kit brews to get my hand back in with brewing, but once I'm happy with that I'm planning on getting into AG as it's something I've always wanted to try. So what better way to start than by trying my hand at...
  4. MarkCL

    Barrel question

    My grandad always used to use a cider barrel as they're thicker and usually designed to hold more pressure - I think there are a couple of suppliers out there I've seen that supply these for not much more than a standard keg so might be worth having a look at these? Cheers, Mark
  5. MarkCL

    Bottles better than the barrel: How?

    Quick question re this - how much mixture should you then use in each bottle? At least when adding sugar it says either use a half or full teaspoon per bottle for example, but how much if you create a primer liquid? :wha: I was just planning on using brewing sugar or I also read that the brew...
  6. MarkCL

    I thought home brewing was a much cheaper option.

    I think for a lot of us it's not necessarily about how cheap we can do something, more as to the sense of satisfaction that you made something yourself that can even, in some delightful cases, turn out as good or better than you can buy. Where wine making is concerned the sky really is the limit...
  7. MarkCL

    Brewmaker, Old English Ale

    In case anyone is interested, looks like Wilkinson's have this on sale at the moment at £15 rather than the usual £22 so might be worth getting one and seeing how it turns out :cheers: Cheers, Mark
  8. MarkCL


    Thanks for the welcomes and info on the FV, I'll get meself one of the usual buckets and start with that - I can always get one of the others if I find myself needing more FVs for some reason :whistle: Can't think why ;) :drink: :grin: Time to do some ordering I think :thumb: Cheers, Mark
  9. MarkCL


    Just a quick thanks to all the welcoming folks :cheers: I can see this is going to be a nice place to hang out and learn how to brew a decent pint or three :drunk: :drink: By the looks of things I can get everything I need from Wilko/Wilkinsons relatively cheaply, which is good news in this...
  10. MarkCL


    Thank-you sir :) Having loads of fun trawling through the info on here - plenty to learn :thumb: Think I'll start simple with one of the Woodforde's kits, but I definitely want to try and make a weissbier at some stage - loved the Munich Franziskaner I was give by the truckload when over...
  11. MarkCL


    Hi all - another quick obligatory intro I'm afraid to make sure the system doesn't disown me before I've even started ;) My name's Mark and I used to brew beer and make wine with my grandparents back when I was a kid/teenager - liberal minded lot thankfully :grin: Anyway, after they died I...