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New Member
Jun 30, 2013
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Hi all - another quick obligatory intro I'm afraid to make sure the system doesn't disown me before I've even started ;) My name's Mark and I used to brew beer and make wine with my grandparents back when I was a kid/teenager - liberal minded lot thankfully :grin: Anyway, after they died I didn't have the heart to keep going really so it's been years since I did anything at all home brew related. Just recently though me and my other half bought a house together and it just feels like the right thing to do is start brewing again :cheers: Thing is I've pretty much forgotten everything I once knew :oops: :doh: So, I'm going to have a good old trawl through the forum, get some advice on starting out again and then go get myself all the kit to get brewing again! :thumb: Really looking forward to it too :drunk: So, cheers everyone :drink: Hope you all enjoy a good cool brew on such a lovely day, and hopefully I'll be joining you very soon! :D

pittsy said:
Hello Mark welcome to the forum from another Mark :thumb:

Thank-you sir :) Having loads of fun trawling through the info on here - plenty to learn :thumb: Think I'll start simple with one of the Woodforde's kits, but I definitely want to try and make a weissbier at some stage - loved the Munich Franziskaner I was give by the truckload when over there on business a few years ago :drunk: Wonder if it can be reproduced at home? Anyhoo, back to my research :ugeek: :grin:

Just a quick thanks to all the welcoming folks :cheers: I can see this is going to be a nice place to hang out and learn how to brew a decent pint or three :drunk: :drink: By the looks of things I can get everything I need from Wilko/Wilkinsons relatively cheaply, which is good news in this economy :thumb: Anyone got any views on the screw top versus standard FV bin that they do? I like the look of the screw top version, and for just an extra £5 I'm tempted to go with that as it has a hole for a airlock and handles to make moving it around easier. I had a quick search for it on here but didn't see anything posted yet so any views will be welcome. :)

I've only ever used the standard ones, the screw ones look harder to clean to me and cleaning is very important, but as I said I've never used them.

For beer making you will be better of using a a primary fermenter a straight forward bucket with lid, no tap or air lock needed.
after the initial vigorous ferment syphon the brew into another fermenter that has a tap fitted ( to make bottling easier )

The tapless and air lock less ( :grin: ) vessel will ensure the brew is kept sterile and safe.
Just leave a bit of the lid unclipped to allow the large amount of CO2 to escape and after a couple of days bang the lid on tight....They are not totally air tight and the gas will still be able to get out.
Thanks for the welcomes and info on the FV, I'll get meself one of the usual buckets and start with that - I can always get one of the others if I find myself needing more FVs for some reason :whistle: Can't think why ;) :drink: :grin: Time to do some ordering I think :thumb:
