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  1. G

    Brew n00b!

    Last time I used one of those was testing antifreeze! I'll bear it in mind though.
  2. G

    Brew n00b!

    Thanks, figured as much :thumb:
  3. G

    Brew n00b!

    Thanks for the welcome and the info everyone. The cupboard we have the brew in is smelling beautiful at the moment, it's just a case of having to resist messing with/sampling it! One thing that I have wondered, if I draw a sample for SG check, can I return the sample to the bucket or do I have...
  4. G

    Brew n00b!

    Hi Everyone, Me and my fiancée have just started out in home brewing. I've got a Coopers lager kit on the go and my better half has a Zifandel Blush kit bubbling away nicely. Aside from me thinking I'd killed the yeast by using water that's too hot :? , it's not gone too bad! One thing I'm...