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  1. S

    Oxi clean

    Sorry to be a pain in backside Just want to make sure. Get the right one!..
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    Oxi clean

    Sorry to dreg this up again!.. I have been into tesco, asda and still can't find it!.. Do they actually sell oxyclean in the uk?.. Or will I have to buy an own brand in which I did see one in tesco but it was not perfume free Cheers Matty :thumb:
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    Oxi clean

    Cheers PD, will keep an eye out for it!.
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    Oxi clean

    Must have been out of stock as they had vanish oxi something or another and not just oxiclean Will have to have a look around!..
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    Oxi clean

    I have just got back from shopping. Now weather I am just being incredible thick (which is properly the case). I really could see any oxi clean without all the scent blah blah blah.. Is it called something else and if it was then was properly staring right at it!..
  6. S

    Oxi clean

    Thanks for all the advice guys. Top notch!.. Will put everything in my FV eg plastic spoons,tap etc etc when I have finished my dark ale!.. Will also need to clean my stockpot as I steep some grains for the first time!..
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    Oxi clean

    Thanks PD, Think I will go and get some today!... I take it, it's just mix it with warm water and let it sit for a while and then give it a swish round!!
  8. S

    Oxi clean

    Thanks everybody!. I have a couple of stock pots to clean and I was wondering weather this was the right product to use!.. Also weather to use this when I have finished using my FV..
  9. S

    Oxi clean

    Hi all, Just a quick question, How good is this stuff!.. People say it leaves white spots after rinsing?.. Also is it best to use this after you have use the equipment!.. Sorry but just never used the stuff before!.. :thumb:
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    New brew advice

    Thanks LeithR So it might be a good idea to boil the hops and steep the grains in a separate pot!. Then transfer the lot into the FV and then add the dark ale and LME??
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    New brew advice

    Good evening all, I am going to do a brew on Sunday with a Coopers dark ale Coopers light malt extract unhopped Chocolate malt Fuggles hops I was going to place the chocolate malt it some water and get it to 165f, Steep it for 30mins. Then after the 30mins was up I was going to take out the...
  12. S

    Adding chocolate (Cocoa) to kit beer?

    Thanks AW, What I will do is but 200g in hot, not boiling water (due to no thermometer) and steep for 30mins, think about possibly slinging in fuggles hops for 20 mins aswell!..
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    Adding chocolate (Cocoa) to kit beer?

    Yes I have just had a look and it is chocolate malt!.. Thanks for the information!.. I'm quite new to this!..
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    Adding chocolate (Cocoa) to kit beer?

    EskiBrew, Well I have some chocolate grains to use and I would like them in my coopers stout to give off a chocolate taste!.. Basically due to children I really don't have much time and I just wanted to know if there was an easy way to get a hint of chocolate from the grains into my beer. I...
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    Adding chocolate (Cocoa) to kit beer?

    Sorry to butt into this thread!. I would like to add some chocolate grains to my kit but unsure which way is the quickest way to go?.. Anyone got any ideas!..
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    New brew!..

    Cheers mate!.. Hopefully I can do what you have said in your second paragraph.. If not then craigtube has a porter that i Can do with the chocolate grains!..
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    New brew!..

    So is that just boil the water till about 67c and then just let the grain soak in the water for 30mins and the add it to the FV with the other bits??? Many Thanks
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    New brew!..

    Hello there people, In a few weeks I will be doing a new batch of homebrew. As I am quite new to this I am keeping it simple with just a coopers stout and cooper dark malt extract for the tin. Now the question I would like to as is this. I want to add some chocolate grains in for a bit of...
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    Mini Kegs

    Wow, this thread had spring into life!. Thanks for all the info guys!.. I transferred my old conckerwood into the kegs last night, much more easier than bottling!.. Can't wait to try it now!.. Is it two weeks at normal room temp and then two weeks in the cool ie a shed?... Matt
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    Mini Kegs

    Sorry to dreg up an old thread, thought it would be better rather than start a new one. Just to confirm as I'm going to prime this conckerwood beast into kegs tomorrow evening from my carboy.. I have 3 5L kegs One cup of water boiled and then put in 1 TABLESPOON of sugar!.. Transfer to keg...