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  1. S

    cider tast dry how to make it sweet and for the next batch

    thx for the help guys ;) got a new batch on the go no sweetner no suger just apple jucie and yeast can wait yum yum yum :cheers:
  2. S

    Facebook page

    well of course, this is were i come for help, its a great site
  3. S

    Facebook page

    I prefer the forum also i just wanted to see how many people would join, there are links to The home brew foum web site plus Biddenden Vineyard. just another way to support all us Home Brewing fellows.
  4. S

    Facebook page

    hey check out this page ... 525&ref=mf
  5. S

    Tobbys Yeast

    ok heard alot of good things from this yeast, question is how do i get hold of it lolol
  6. S

    cider tast dry how to make it sweet and for the next batch

    Thanks fella ill give that a go man. oh """"impressed with the finished brew a friend gave me a king keg pessure barrel so i have it on draught loverly"""" Man that is so fecking awsome.
  7. S

    TC clearing..

    i know what you mean i messed up my last batch by tastin it to early and just F****D it all up sadly. lol not this time tho
  8. S

    cider tast dry how to make it sweet and for the next batch

    Ok just made some TC and well although its nice its very dry tastin. now i know this has somthing to do with the tanin but not to sure what exactly. does anyone know how to make my dry cider Sweeter If i cant make it sweeter now how can i make sure the next batch is sweeter. thanks guys :grin:
  9. S

    TC dosnt taste like Apple cider

    Ok just bottled it and well, or tho its not very well appley lol its still nice and megga strong! lol I made the mistake of adding suggar something i wont try again. I am hearing alot about Yeast from Toby and how well it works and how good it is. so i was wondering wether i can acquier some...
  10. S

    TC clearing..

    Hello M8 I have just racked and botteld me TC it took 3 weeks for it to stop fermenting and to clear just leave it. the longer its left the better it will look and taste lol just made another batch so by the time if finished all me cider this batch will be waiting for me lolool
  11. S

    TC dosnt taste like Apple cider

    So is there anything that i can do to make it taste more appley ?. ity tast mmmmmm ok but not enought to think mm i fancey some off that cider you know lol.
  12. S

    TC dosnt taste like Apple cider

    hey guys my TC has stop bubbling. so i gave it a lil taste lol it tast like cider but not really appley if you know what i mean. it dosnt really smelly like apples eathir. is there anything i can do. i dont know how strong it is but it tast bloody strong, stronger than stronbow. any help would...
  13. S

    Magners type Cider

    Hi, im a noob to cider making and well have only made one batch of cider and that didnt really go to well. and i know i would like to mak a cider that taste just like Bulmers im sure you wont find a recipe for it tho. Bulmers arnt going to say how they make there cider becouse thats what makes...
  14. S

    Cider smells like ****.

    ok ill give it ago thx for the help m8
  15. S

    Cider smells like ****.

    Ok my cider was bubling away and after 4 days it stoped i racked it in to another demijohn and left for another day it still not buberling i decided to give it a lil smell and it dosnt smel nice. should i chuck it and start agin or is there something to be done. it was made from 1 leater pure...
  16. S

    airlock bubbles slowed down to 18 sec intervals after 4 days

    Right O lol ill leave it for a few more days see what happens, ill post back what i find just hope its not all gone to waste :cry:
  17. S

    airlock bubbles slowed down to 18 sec intervals after 4 days

    Ahh well i got worried last night and decided to rack it (may not of been the best thing to do) i also gave it a little taste and well it didnt taste alcoholic well it tasted like S**T to be honest so really didnt know what to do. i've put a little sugar in and put the air lock back on and...
  18. S

    airlock bubbles slowed down to 18 sec intervals after 4 days

    Ok im a newbe :wha: Now my cider has been fermenting for about 4 days now. Its all nice and merky with the yeat foam on top and lots of scummy sludge at the bottom that highly resembles Sic :sick:. I noticed that my air lock was bubbleing at say 3-4 second intervals but now its roughly every...