airlock bubbles slowed down to 18 sec intervals after 4 days

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New Member
Sep 8, 2009
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Ok im a newbe :wha:

Now my cider has been fermenting for about 4 days now. Its all nice and merky with the yeat foam on top and lots of scummy sludge at the bottom that highly resembles Sic :sick:.
I noticed that my air lock was bubbleing at say 3-4 second intervals but now its roughly every 18 seconds. Is something going wrong, is it stuck or have i really buggerd this on up lolol

if it has stoped how do i know its ready to rack dose it go clear, or dose it go clear from racking.

i know meny of you are laughing away but what can i say, i was a lil impatient and didnt really read up on it. what can i say the thought of having a gallon of cider was way to gd :cheers:
It's not stuck its just slowed down. It'll do that. Do you have a hydrometer? Basically wait until it's gone quiet, wait another few days then bottle/barrel/drink as you see fit.
Ahh well i got worried last night and decided to rack it (may not of been the best thing to do)
i also gave it a little taste and well it didnt taste alcoholic well it tasted like S**T to be honest so really didnt know what to do.
i've put a little sugar in and put the air lock back on and back in the cupboard, should i leave it a few more days or chuck the lot and start again...... ??
SavageWolf said:
Ahh well i got worried last night and decided to rack it (may not of been the best thing to do)
i also gave it a little taste and well it didnt taste alcoholic well it tasted like S**T to be honest so really didnt know what to do.
i've put a little sugar in and put the air lock back on and back in the cupboard, should i leave it a few more days or chuck the lot and start again...... ??

If it's still on the go then the nasty taste could well be the active yeast.
Unless you really need the demijohn i'ld leave it and see what happens.

I've just started myself and 3BPM (burps per minute) was normal after the initial burst of activity.
Been told not to rack until there's no BPM at all or any small bubbles.
Right O lol
ill leave it for a few more days see what happens, ill post back what i find just hope its not all gone to waste :cry:

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