cider tast dry how to make it sweet and for the next batch

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Sep 8, 2009
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Ok just made some TC and well although its nice its very dry tastin. now i know this has somthing to do with the tanin but not to sure what exactly.
does anyone know how to make my dry cider Sweeter If i cant make it sweeter now how can i make sure the next batch is sweeter.

thanks guys :grin:
i have just started brewing my own cider drinking my first batch at the moment i too prefer sweet cider what i did was sweeten after fermentation as finished after reading posts on this site i found out how you do it , you sweeten using a sweetener not sugar as sugar will start it fermenting again i used a brand i bought at lidl for 90p a carton i noticed tonight in morrisons they do one at 80p look in the baking section i added 15 table spoons to the 5 gallon of cider tasting as you gradually add more till you get the required sweetness i must say i am well impressed with the finished brew a friend gave me a king keg pessure barrel so i have it on draught loverly :party:
Thanks fella ill give that a go man. oh
""""impressed with the finished brew a friend gave me a king keg pessure barrel so i have it on draught loverly""""
Man that is so fecking awsome.
I had this problem too, so i'll try this.

Is this the only, or best way?
tubby_shaw said:
There is another way CLICKY ;)

In the above link I am quoted as giving Tubby's quote the big thumbs up. I will do it again. :thumb:

You should try it-if you like TC then using a good cider yeast and apple juice is all you need. I find that adding the skin of an apple or two can really increase the appley flavour but this has proved very hit and miss. Some apples worked, one ruined my cider :cry: but 5 have given my TC 'the edge'. You'll have better access to proper apples rather than the rubbish things I get here in NZ though. :evil:
thx for the help guys ;) got a new batch on the go no sweetner no suger just apple jucie and yeast can wait yum yum yum :cheers:
The artificial sweetener that is best to use is "Splenda", either as tablets dissolved in a small amount of cider, or purchased as a powder / granulated form. Most supermarkets stock both kinds. The actual ingredient that does the trick is "Sucralose" and may be found in some generic and therefore cheaper supermarket-own-brands of granulated sweetener. Don't use "Canderel" (Aspartame) as this hydrolyses in the cider over a few days and all "sweetness" is lost; Saccharin is fine but has an aftertaste.
I used tesco artificial sweetener (i.e own brand Splenda). As for the dry cider already brewed, a spoon in the glass before you pour your drink sweetens it perfectly i find.

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