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  1. deadman1972

    Entry level stock pot

    I live in Ireland and i have been looking for ages for a entry level stock pot in the 30-35 litre range an i just can't find any :( I have my all grain setup almost ready and i do have a keg boiler but a stock pot would suit me better :D
  2. deadman1972

    Something Fast ???

    I am starting a Heffenweisen this week at some stage from a receipe a m8 gave me, its called a shocktop. I will proceed as per receipe but i will be cracking this one early, maybe 4 weeks total :cheers:
  3. deadman1972

    coopers brewmaster irish stout.

    TBH i am not convinced that the 40 quid or so for a brew belt is worth it, i am not convinced that the benefit of having one is sufficient to outweigh the cost tbh. I am only starting out and right now i have more important things i need such as glass demijohns and carboys plus other nick nacks...
  4. deadman1972

    coopers brewmaster irish stout.

    I will say one thing Andy m8 the coopers stout yeast does not like the cold, i have mine down nearly two weeks now and i reckon i have a stuck fermentation. Gonna check gravity again next Wednesday but after 10 days it was still only at 1.020 from 1.040 which would give 2.5% abv way too low for...
  5. deadman1972

    Something Fast ???

    I am only starting out in home brewing and i have a coopers Irish Stout in primary 12 days now. Anyway since i will be leaving this until March to condition a bit it occured to me that i would need something to tide me over. Now i also have a Ribena wine on in the airing cupboard but even that...
  6. deadman1972

    Rolled Barley?

    I have 25kg of rolled barley and i want to incorporate it into say a coopers kit beer somehow as an experiment. Any suggestions as to how to do that would be appreciated. I heard it can be used to aid head retention?
  7. deadman1972

    coopers brewmaster irish stout.

    I actually have this in primary now for ten days. Question though, why would you be adding both brew enhancer and brewing sugar? Thats a bit of overload IMHO, one or the other i would reckon :cheers:
  8. deadman1972

    Coopers Irish Stout.

    he was Welsh boyo,sure he would drink it from a donkeys ear taffy like :cheers: Ya i know what ye mean about the cheapo bottles but when things go tits up and you need them its a cheap and fast way out of a bind. Anyway i have at least another three weeks before i will need them for the stout...
  9. deadman1972

    Coopers Irish Stout.

    I was going to carbonate using the coopers drops but have decided to batch prime in secondary instead and then bottle. Due to a lack of being able to get brown glass beer bottles locally i am going to use 2litre fizzy bottles for this one to get me going. This is being stored until Paddys Day so...
  10. deadman1972

    Coopers Irish Stout.

    Ok so my coopers Irish stout has been bubbling away for 5 days now. How long does it normally take at around 22c to ferment the 23 litre batch? After it is finished do i just bung it into bottles or do i need to decant into another fv for a secondary ferment? Its my first brew so i want it to...
  11. deadman1972

    South East Ireland.

    Hi all Greg here from Co. Waterford. Introduced to this site by a youtube contact called whatsbrewinguk,massively nice bloke. He has been a real help to me as i am only a few days into my virgin brew which is a coopers Irish Stout(of course) and he has helped me with some niggly questions. I...