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  1. spudnic

    Word association game

  2. spudnic

    Whats your favourite food to accompany a pint?

    I like cool original Doritos with a nice cooled beer or any crisps really the only problem is the bags are massive but they only fill them a third of the way
  3. spudnic


    I have just finished making this and it fermented for 25 days and cleared fine but was only 5%. I didn't add the extra water I just added the coke and priming sugar and then bottled as I thought it would be too weak if watered down. I tried it tonight and it's flat and also I had to water it...
  4. spudnic

    Ginger Ninja - powerful ginger beer

    Probably a silly question but after adding all the ingredients do you fill the demijohn with water and if it's cool enough then add the yeast
  5. spudnic

    New corny !! Now with added Beer!!

    Are we all invited to the party then
  6. spudnic

    Hi There

    Welcome along I am new to this too but have already made a woodfords nelsons revenge ale and I am currently making a turbo cider and a alco-coke I think it's turning into an addiction I have got 2 more beer kits 1 lager kit and 1 cider kit all waiting to be made
  7. spudnic

    home brew

    What did you make?
  8. spudnic

    A kegerator that records your consumption

    If i had one of these i would not want mrs spudnic getting on that app
  9. spudnic

    Woodfords nelsons revenge

    Just made this as my first brew and it has come out great I will definitely be making this one again. Going to try the werry next time as I have only herd good reviews on it.
  10. spudnic

    I no longer trust the calcs on here

    I can't see the problem? Are we only talking 0.1% if so then that's not that bad
  11. spudnic


    I need to try this. Looks like a great idea
  12. spudnic

    Good Afternoon.

    Welcome along
  13. spudnic

    New brewer here!

    wheres your local store it might be worth a visit
  14. spudnic

    Tom Caxton Best Bitter

    Not a bad idea. I could bottle it up for when people come round and keep the good stuff as my own private stash lol
  15. spudnic

    Tom Caxton Best Bitter

    I got one of these for Christmas but haven't made it yet I hope you get good reviews or I probably won't bother with it
  16. spudnic

    Hello from Haverhill

    Nice one. Thanks
  17. spudnic

    Hello from Haverhill

    Hi all. Have just started making my 1st batch of nelsons revenge ale that I got as a Christmas present. Siphoned it into my barrel last week and should only have another week to go before I can drink it and really looking forward to it. Does any one know of any brew shops in my area would be...