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New Member
Jul 21, 2012
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Evening all,

I'm new to homebrew after being lured in by a buddy at work. I've got a couple of brews on the go at the moment:

4gal Turbo cider
1gal White grape & peach wine
1gal blackcurrant & apple wine
1gal strawberry cider

Just bottled up a blackcurrant cider which is going down nicely too!

All of the above have been made with juices from the supermarket, more for flavour experiment than anything!

Bahhh posted twice. Who needs forum apps eh?! First post said failed when i tried!
Welcome along I am new to this too but have already made a woodfords nelsons revenge ale and I am currently making a turbo cider and a alco-coke I think it's turning into an addiction I have got 2 more beer kits 1 lager kit and 1 cider kit all waiting to be made
I think you're right. I've debating what to get on next.

I think the hardest part will be letting it sit in the bottles and mature before enjoying the fruit of my labour haha. The next one will probably be a WoW, seems a very popular one!
Welcome Ben. :cheers: The fun is experimenting. The combinations should keep you going for at least a few years before you have to repeat any. :grin:

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