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  1. S

    Sad day for me

    have just read this and raised a pint glass of wow ,sorry for your loss :(
  2. S

    a progression ,,plum wine ,,

    cheers for the info oldbloke:) managed to get them halved and stoned on sunday then got the slave/eldest son to squash them up in 2 gallons of water with 5 tsp of pectalose, and then sealed the bucket and left them under the dining room table :D guess how popular I am :? this is...
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    First WOW

    nice one :cheers:
  4. S

    wow help

    should be fine m8 but this should have gone on the wow thread ,,no offence ment :) :cheers:
  5. S

    a progression ,,plum wine ,,

    hi all ,,well ive gone for it tonight , I had 2 of my sons pick me some plums from the 20 odd year old plum tree in our garden , must admit its the first year ive had anything to do with the masses of fuit that come from it :thumb: no ones sure what it is ,,their sweeter than victorias but...
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    WOW clearing

    hi m8 , i didnt use finings on mine ,they took about 2 weeks to clear and taste nice already, im no expert though , i think time is the key :cheers:
  7. S

    newbie grain list comments please

    sorry to interupt the post but as a complete newbie on ag brewing ,,am i right that 44 quid of ingredients gives you enough for 200 pints at about 22pence per pint?? if so i might be able to convince the wife to let me start building a system ,,again sory for the interupt but ,,im a newb ,,i...
  8. S

    why ribena ?

    hi all , is there a reason everyone uses ribena for blackcurrent wine and not this ?? as far as i can see they are almost the same but the tesco one contains more juice? am i missing somthing? ... =254854838 ...
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    Nearly ready to make some cider :)

    hi gayle ,my lhbs sell lids seperatly ,,quite handy ,,heres the link ,
  10. S

    Col. RN Harrison (Mead)

    what a fantastic thread so full of history and memorys for the author ,i think im going to make some of this as soon as i have some empty vessels ,and yes i think everyone that makes this should call it Col.RN Harrison`s Mead , as i know i will :) thanks again , damion
  11. S

    Bridestone Brewery Ongoing New Build "Latest"

    wow m8 ,,just seen this thread and it is amazing ,, :thumb:
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    ive found that all you need to do is ask ,,i know a few barmaids which keep the pint bottles for me ,,been asking for a week got over 60 so far :cheers:
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    American Amber Ale - My First Solo AG

    looks awesome m8 ,,one day lol
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    thanks guys :D the red/rose is bubbling away but the orange/white has not started yet :cry: have found more info on here than i can take in ,,cant wait to start some ales from dry ingredients :cheers: raided my father in laws loft for 12 30 year old demijons and 3 more 5 gallon fermentors...
  15. S


    hi all thought i should say hello after being a member for a few weeks, must say this is an excellent forum and have already used the chat facility for some advice on a stuck ferment(cheers big yin) :cheers: so far i have made 40 pints of wherry and 40 of great eastern ale ,both woodfords(both...