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  1. bobingtonsmyth

    photobucket Shameless plug of my adventures driving a knackered Fiat Panda from London to Mongolia...
  2. bobingtonsmyth

    Priming Disaster

    OK thanks for that, given that I'm exploring all angles here. Say the beer primed properly but my problem was due to a loss of pressure in the barrel, would attempting to reprime the beer help? Or make things worse? That's obviously presuming I can prevent the leak from re-occuring. From...
  3. bobingtonsmyth

    Keg question

    Thanks for the info re the required valve James, will be one of my next purchases.
  4. bobingtonsmyth

    Priming Disaster

    Righto, had a bit of a disaster. Went to draw out my first pint of Stout from my keg and it's as flat as pancake. I don't know whats gone wrong, the obvious answer is that I forgot to put my priming sugar into it when I transferred the liquid from my FV to the keg (But that would be a real...
  5. bobingtonsmyth

    Keg question

    Thanks all for your replies, especially Dunfie, very helpful. Once this keg is empty in a month or so I'm planning on adding the ability to inject co2 to the keg. So should no longer be an issue.
  6. bobingtonsmyth

    Keg question

    Right I've got a keg full of Stout that's about ready. Basically because I'm a cheapskate I've only got a basic lid for the keg and no way of injecting co2 into the barrel. My question is once I start at my beer how long will it keep for?
  7. bobingtonsmyth

    Water, water, everywhere....

    Am I right in saying I can treat tap water with Sodium Metabisulphate? If so how much per 5 gallons would be recommended? Thanks
  8. bobingtonsmyth

    weird pc problem

    A month?? Can't wait that long, I've had every new version of Ubuntu on day of release since Hardy Heron... Hmmm on reflection I'm really coming across as a geek... ahhh well ;)
  9. bobingtonsmyth

    weird pc problem

    When it comes to Linux I have to say Ubuntu rocks my world. Is it sad that I'm getting so over excited about the release of Maverick Meerkat in 2 days time.
  10. bobingtonsmyth

    Toast to the Ryder cup BOYS

    Yep that's the place, I live about a mile away so seems a logical place to indulge a couple of my passions.
  11. bobingtonsmyth

    Toast to the Ryder cup BOYS

    Talking of Golf, any of you peeps play? Am currently in the process of joining a club that has a very small brewery on site. Double Bubble as far as I can see, Golf and good ale after. Happy Days...
  12. bobingtonsmyth

    Favourite Film Quotes

    I just can't help myself: Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
  13. bobingtonsmyth

    Favourite Film Quotes

    "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" - The Life of Brian Or in a darker vein: "You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning..." - Apocalypse Now And if you were to include TV quotes then one of...
  14. bobingtonsmyth

    What are you scared of?

    My Missus... especially when I've flooded her shed/home office with beer... On a serious level heights really freak me out, but I have an odd relationship with heights in that I sort of secretly like them. Go figure, 9 bungies and counting and slowly saving up to get qualified as a Paraglider.
  15. bobingtonsmyth

    Muntons IPA

    Well, have just bottled my IPA and all I can say is that I had a siphoning disaster, probably ended up with about a pints worth on the floor of the shed. To make matters worse the shed doubles up as my missus's home office so I'm not in her good books at the moment. Got to chuckle though, I've...
  16. bobingtonsmyth

    Muntons IPA

    Well, I've got my first brew going. A Muntons IPA Kit. Am about 24 hours in and it's bubbling away nicely through the airlock. I've decided to throw caution to the wind and have a really quick turnaround onto my second brew so will be looking to get another kit on the go as soon as the...
  17. bobingtonsmyth


    Thanks all for your welcomes, please forgive me when I start asking many, many questions. Highwayman, couldn't help noticing from your posting that your from Snaith, blimey and all that, I grew up in Snaith many a moon ago. (Ok, maybe not that interesting but had to comment).
  18. bobingtonsmyth


    Afternoon all, Just a quick hello, much like a lot of people I'm new to the world of Home Brewing. Got all the bits and bobs over the past couple of days and about to start my first brew in a short while (a nice little IPA) so fingers crossed that should work out well. Planning to start on...