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  1. SiHoltye

    15th March 2009 Effin Adnams Southwold Bitter

    Yeah, couldn't hear what you were saying after The Great Pretender. Watched on for another 2-3mins but without being able to hear your commentary felt I might be missing some cunning insight.
  2. SiHoltye

    Help/comments on a summer ale

    For summer ale I think of a very light coloured (prolly all pale malt, or pale & caramalt, or pale & lager malt) and citrussy hops. That's my interpretation of 'Summer Ale'. It's not a defined style, and who cares if it was, make what you like to sup in the sun :cheers:
  3. SiHoltye

    XL Bitter

    Is that 7.1% AA Challenger as at time of analysis in 2007? Just that I've using some too and am allowing for ageing... From Beersmith Ages back I thought my beers were under bittered, asked around and found out about this AA deterioration issue over time. Storing cold and barrier packaged helps...
  4. SiHoltye

    Help/comments on a summer ale

    Styrians are perfect for their floral citrussy yumminess (naf description sorry :roll: ) fuggles have a more rounded earthy fruity quality, well tasty IMHO. With those on offer I'd blend the 2 for the bittering, and leave it all styrians for their fresh zingy-ness at 15mins and aroma.
  5. SiHoltye

    Help/comments on a summer ale

    My guide suggests that'll be a copper coloured best bitter with low out of style bitterness. For a pale zingy beer (from your ingredients) I'd humbly suggest: 100% pale malt IBU's to 70% of your OG Bittering addition 90% of IBU's 15 min addition 10% of IBU's If bottling: aroma steep 40g at...
  6. SiHoltye

    Deuchars IPA

    If you 'dry hop' in the fermenter before the yeast has settled out, the yeast will cling to the hop compounds you're trying to add, and drag a lot to the bottom with it as it sediments, removing it from your beer. That problem is less with secondary fermention chambers or holding tanks because...
  7. SiHoltye

    what's your favourite radio station?

    This might give you your beer fix on the train in the morning. May not be to all tastes but at worst it's pretty gentle.
  8. SiHoltye

    Stiff Squirrel

    I had a bit of luck in the recent comp in Sutton. I was trying to make a best bitter with the elderflower notes of Badger Golden Champion. It tasted pretty good and am brewing it again now, with a tweak or two as you do :) People's Choice Award - 2008 South East Craft Brewing Festival 'Stiff...
  9. SiHoltye

    Timothy Taylor Landlord

    Their yeast is 'platinum edition' Wyeast Labs #1469 available now, and a decent approximation seems to be all pale malt (boiling 2 litres of first runnings down to one and adding back to the boil), Fuggles and Styrians 50:50 full boil IBU's to 70% of GU, then Goldings for the rest to 75% of GU...
  10. SiHoltye

    CRS dosage question

    Cheers Aleman, The info about x1.6 for HCO3 to CaCO3 came from xxxx xxxxxxx Process Scientist Sutton and East Surrey Water plc Phone: 01737 785882 Fax: 01737 785865 Very kind of them to provide the info, but perhaps it should have been left at that though eh? I made the correct additions...
  11. SiHoltye

    CRS dosage question

    Hello, Am brewing tomorrow, and I'm not sure I'm using Graham's Wheeler's water calc right. The alkalinity info I have is this: 2008 to date Min Ave Max No.of test Calcium 51.5 52.7 54.6 3 Magnesium 5.4 5.4 5.5 3 Total Alkalinity 52 82 117 121 (Please note, we measure alkalinity in mg/l...
  12. SiHoltye

    Yeast Data Sheets and info

    Here's all the info they send out I think.
  13. SiHoltye

    No Boil Finings

    (Hello Wez, hope you're well) Where was this?
  14. SiHoltye

    liquid yeast 1st time OOPS

    I understand that to pitch direct usually means adding fewer than the optimum number of viable cells and there therefore ensues a greater 'lag' time before than desirable fermentation begins. Also this can lead to a longer ferment, but the liklihood is that it'll get there ('there' being a...