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  1. corby_brewer

    Is down?

    im showing as a ex-member as well.
  2. corby_brewer

    New Addition.

    Nice one Mick.
  3. corby_brewer

    Ribena wines....stuck?

    How long as it been fementing? all mine tend to take about 4 - 5 weeks to fement down to around 0.990. Alho the one ive got on the go now is alread down to 1.020 from 1.100 after 4 days.
  4. corby_brewer

    Ribena wines....stuck?

    If there is still activity showing in the air lock then its still working. So leave it alone.
  5. corby_brewer

    tastessssssss like?????

    No, as far as i know there isnt. Your best bet is as prolix says, get your self a Wherry kit. Easy to make as you do not need to add any sugar to it. Then once you have a couple of three kit brews under your belt, i would suggest moving on to extract or even AG brewing.
  6. corby_brewer

    Newbie from Leeds

    Forum member MarkP is from near Leeds, im sure that if you ask he will give you an invite to his next AG brew day.
  7. corby_brewer

    Newbie from Leeds

    Welcome to THBF Tara :thumb:
  8. corby_brewer

    help a new guy out please......

    It's not LARGERS, it LAGERS :twisted: :evil:
  9. corby_brewer

    keg problems

    The best place to get cornies from is here, send him a email and he will sort you out- mailto:[email protected]?subject=Mail from THBF002 :oops: sorry cant post links as im on the W***s PC
  10. corby_brewer


    I agree with what Moley says. (Now thats got to be a first :grin: ) But have you concidered replacing the kit yeast with S04, as ive found that, S04 compacts down better. So you will be able to pour almost a full pint from a bottle without disturbing the sediment.
  11. corby_brewer

    Secondary fermentation in demi-johns

    I tend to leave all my brews in the primary for 14 days then move to a secondry for another 7 days before i even think about bottling or kegging it.
  12. corby_brewer

    barrel or bucket?

    Yes, get another brew on the go ASAP. :grin:
  13. corby_brewer

    blackcurrent wine any advice

    OG = original gravity. SG = starting gravity. FG = final gravity. Some people use OG, others use SG, its basicly the same thing.
  14. corby_brewer

    Having a crack at Wurzel's Orange Wine.....

    Ive only been making wine for about 10 month now and in all that time ive only ever had one wine thats decided to escape from the DJ. And that was a tomato wine.
  15. corby_brewer

    blackcurrent wine any advice

    Most of the recipes ive seen, say the first racking should take place after 3 month. And the second after another 2 months. So the question thats got to be asked is, what was your OG?
  16. corby_brewer

    Having a crack at Wurzel's Orange Wine.....

    Nice one mate, :thumb:
  17. corby_brewer

    Hi from North Devon

    Some people will disagree with you there, as some records state that alice molland was the last person to be hanged for witchcraft in England, altho there is no written recordthat the sentence was carried out.
  18. corby_brewer

    Hi from North Devon

    Welcome to the forum, :thumb: Funnily enough im currently reading a book about the Bideford witch trials. Ok thats got nothing to do with brewing but its still an interesting book.
  19. corby_brewer

    There's a hole in my bucket!!

    Dont worry, 2 x 2KW elements will boil 50ltrs no problem. Altho ive never brewed that sort of length, ive tested a 52ltr boiler out and it wasnt any probem at all.
  20. corby_brewer


    Ill stand corrected. Aleman as years of experience there as ive just been reading up on various forums. Andy, if i was you i would follow Alemans advice and ignore anything ive posted